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  • 网络Epilogue;The Final Chapter;The end;finale
  1. 杜思托也夫斯基《罪与罚》卷六、终章。

    Dostoyevsky , Crime and Punishment , Part VI , Epilogue .

  2. 终章提出结论,阐述论文中的不足并展望未来对紧凑城市研究的可取方向。

    The final chapter submit conclusions to explain the lack of research and look to the future of the " compact city " theory in China .

  3. 全球粉丝们对即将上映的《暮光》系列终章《破晓》翘首以盼为了爱为了珍惜Bella快醒醒

    And fans across the globe are eager to sink their teeth into the latest of the Twilight series : Breaking Dawn.To love , to cherish . Bella , come on .

  4. 无论发生什么,这个月是经济问题的终章。

    Whatever happens , this month marks a final chapter to that financial question .

  5. 梵高的自杀已成为艺术殉道之路上伟大的终章,这是他的荆棘之冠。

    Vincents suicide has become the grand finale of the story of the martyr for art , its his crown of thorns .

  6. 在这部大热的世界魔幻系列电影终章首映式上,这名英俊的演员在伦敦莱斯特广场一出场就震撼了全场。

    The handsome star rocked up at London 's Leicester Square for the world premiere of the final film in the popular fantasy franchise .

  7. 根据EntGroup'sEFMT索引的周末排片表,小说家、编剧兼导演郭敬明的《小时代》系列终章《灵魂尽头》票房预期是最高的。

    According to EntGroup 's EFMT Index for this weekend 's new releases , box office expectations are highest for Tiny Times 4.0 , the final chapter in novelist / screenwriter / director Guo Jingming 's Tiny Times series 。

  8. 在伦敦的皇家法院这幢建筑内,来自肯尼亚反殖民运动—茅茅起义的退伍老兵们正祈盼这50多年来的斗争即将进行到终章。

    At the Royal Courts of Justice building in London , veterans from Kenya 's Mau Mau uprising , an anti-colonial movement , are gearing up for what they hope will be the final chapter in a 50-year struggle .

  9. 第一章,我分析了十六世纪社会和经济变化的一般趋势,并以福建和广西商品经济快速发展的详细探讨终章。

    In chapter I , I analyze the general trends of social and economic changes taking place in the sixteenth century and conclude the chapter with a detailed discussion of the rapid growth of commodity economy in Fukien and kiangsi .