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  • Blizzard;wind and snow;snowstorm
  1. 大风雪造成了交通的暂时停顿。

    The heavy snowstorm caused a tie-up of traffic .

  2. 延误起因于大风雪。

    The delay was due to the snowstorm .

  3. 风雪载途。

    Whirling snow swept over the road .

  4. 筑路工人长年奋战在风雪高原。

    The road builders brave the wind and snow on the plateaus all the year round .

  5. 机动车组织发出高地将出现浓雾和风雪的警告。

    The motoring organization is warning of thick mist and blowing snow on high ground .

  6. 柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。(刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》)

    A dog barks at the brushwood gate , | as someone heads home this windy , snowy night .

  7. 如果你打算冒风雪外出的话,请穿上外套,要不然你会得重感冒的。

    Put on a coat if you are going out in the snow or you 'll catch your death .

  8. 他做的第一件事就是找到躲避严寒和风雪的地方。

    The first thing he did was to find shelter form the freezing wind and snow .

  9. 在一个风雪的晚上,他被冻死了。

    He was frozen to death on a snowing night .

  10. 大风雪袭击英国已进入第三天。

    Blizzards battered Britain for the third day .

  11. 从温暖舒适的机场大楼进入室外的风雪之夜,真是触目惊心的转变

    The transition from the terminal 's warm snugness to the harshness of the night outside was startling .

  12. 据介绍,CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组系在复兴号动车组“金凤凰”的基础上进行了高寒适应性技术提升。CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组具有耐高寒、抗风雪等特点,能够在-40℃的天气下运行。

    The CR400BF-G Fuxing bullet trains are designed to withstand the climate in extremely cold areas that may be hit by blizzards , which can keep out the snow and cold air .

  13. n.大风雪;暴风雪士兵们精疲力倦,因为他们在暴风雪中没有休息地继续前进。

    blizzard The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard .

  14. flurry风雨、风雪等交加;飞扬的灰尘。

    Windy shower of rain , snow , etc or cloud of dust ;

  15. 不要离别不要给我风雪。

    Don 't depart , don 't give me the disaster .

  16. 风雪流地区道路的选线与路基设计

    Line selection and embankment design in wind and snow flowing regions

  17. 我停下来最后看了一眼这风雪,恋恋不舍。

    I stopped to take a last look at the storm .

  18. 爱是一盏当你在风雪中为你指明方向的明灯;

    Love is a light when you lost in the snow-storm ;

  19. 到了三点钟,我们直冲进风雪里。

    At three o ' clock we rushed into the storm .

  20. 我不顾一切地一头扎进风雪里,消失在众人的视野中。

    I plunged into the storm and vanished fearlessly into it .

  21. 中国风雪流的变化趋势和时空分布规律

    Change Trend and Temporal - spatial Distribution of Snowdrift in China

  22. 尽管有大风雪,他们坚持向前挺进。

    Despite the snow storm they persisted in marching ahead .

  23. 在狼的血内部,是风雪。

    Inside the Wolf 's blood , the snow wind .

  24. 在大风雪之后,我们几天出不了门。

    After the blizzard , we were snowed in for several days .

  25. 柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。

    At wicket gate a dog is heard to bark .

  26. 就在上个月,美国的一些城市就接受了风雪的洗礼。

    Large amounts of snow fell in some American cities last month .

  27. 风雪也比东部多。

    So there is a lot more wind and snow .

  28. 一场突然的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。

    A sudden unseasonable blizzard ; unseasonable bright blue weather in November .

  29. 在芝加哥,三月的天气,我竟碰上了大风雪。

    In Chicago I ran into a blizzard in march .

  30. 基本风压和雪压则是计算风雪荷载的基础,也是我国引进或建造现代化温室以及温室合理分布的重要参考依据。

    Wind and snow load are calculated by basic wind and snow pressures .