
  • 网络Risk Tolerance;Risk appetite;Risk Capacity
  1. 常见的不当销售行为有:夸大产品的收益率或承诺保本、虚假宣传广告、隐瞒产品的真实性质、向风险承受能力较弱的投资者销售高风险的衍生品等等。

    Improper sales practices commonly include : exaggerating the product yield or committed capital preservation , false advertising , to conceal the true nature of the product to the risk tolerance of investors in weak sales of high-risk derivatives and so on .

  2. 梅里曼指出,投资者应该决定他们是想要跑赢市场、在自己的风险承受能力范围内获取最高回报,还是要以最低的风险去获取所需的回报。前者适合年轻人和中年人,后者更适合那些已经退休或者即将退休的人。

    Investors should decide whether they want to beat the market , get the highest return within their risk tolerance ─ a good strategy for young to middle-aged people ─ or get the needed return at the lowest risk , a goal more suited to those in or near retirement , Mr. Merriman says . '

  3. 在综合考虑商业银行的风险承受能力以及在风险与回报均衡的基础上,提出基于VaR约束的贷款组合多目标决策方法,并引入几何方法求解该多目标优化问题。

    This paper proposes a multi-objectives decision-making of loan portfolios based on constraint of VaR in view of a bank 's risk-bearing capability and uses the geometric method to solve it .

  4. 此外,基于VaR收益率约束的贷款组合优化决策模型反映了银行的风险承受能力,并直接地控制了银行的潜在损失,完善了贷款组合优化决策方法,是本文的另一创新与特色。

    Furthermore , the constraint on the yield of VaR takes into account of the correlation among the risks and reflects the ability of the bank to endure the risks and controls the potential loss of the bank directly .

  5. 提高风险承受能力就是一个办法。

    More risk-bearing capacity is one way of doing so .

  6. 一是您风险承受能力。

    One is your ability to take risks .

  7. 实践上,反映出深圳股市的投资者已经具备一定的风险承受能力。

    In practice , the evolution of the shenzhen market investors have already exposed .

  8. 在设计其持仓限额时,要考虑他们的风险承受能力和市场操纵能力。

    For institutional investors , considering their risk-bearing capacity and market operation ability is necessary .

  9. 有一种观点认为,日本的风险承受能力反映在生育高峰出生的人身上。

    It is sometimes said that Japan 's risk appetite mirrors that of its baby-boomers .

  10. 水库下游居民风险承受能力地域差异研究

    Study on regional discrepancy of risk bearing capability of inhabitant in downstream area of reservoir

  11. 由于放贷有一部分流动性不佳,商业银行的风险承受能力也同样减弱。

    Commercial banks are exhibiting a similar reduced tolerance towards risk on partially illiquid lending .

  12. 但出于对风险承受能力的考虑,我国商业银行开展的多为信用证项下的福费廷业务。

    However , most Chinese banks only operate forfaiting under letters of credit concerning the risks .

  13. 提高公众的风险承受能力对防灾减灾战略的成功有着重要的作用。

    Improving risk bearing capability of the public is very important for success of reducing and avoiding disaster .

  14. 考虑团队和公司的预期与风险承受能力,制定一个切实可行的旅行计划。

    Create an achievable tour plan that considers the expectations and risk tolerances of your team and company .

  15. 根据银行风险承受能力原则,通过贷款组合收益率风险价值为约束条件建立模型,控制了贷款配给的组合风险。

    The paper controls the loan portfolio risk with the risk value of loan portfolio as the restraint .

  16. 对于不同收入家庭而言,其教育投资能力和风险承受能力不同。

    The ability to invest in education and the endurance to the risk differs for families with varied income .

  17. 私募基金具有资金量大、风险承受能力强,投资分析能力高,善于发现企业价值等特点。

    In fact , these property exchanges are abundant in potential investment opportunities for capital fund especially private equity funds .

  18. 对非流动性投资的风险承受能力明显缺乏,与当前企业债券息差相对狭窄很不相称。

    The pronounced lack of tolerance for illiquid investment risk is quite at variance with current relatively narrow corporate bond spreads .

  19. 这其实就是一些网站,它们会询问一系列问题,然后提供与投资者的风险承受能力和生活方式相匹配的基金。

    These are sites thatask a series of questions and then they match a fund with that investor 's risktolerance and lifestyle .

  20. 工薪阶层中老年人可以根据自己及家庭的风险承受能力和投资偏好,选择不同的投资工具及其组合。

    According to their own and family risk endurance and investment preference , the middle-aged and old people can choose different investment instrument .

  21. 在商业银行的风险承受能力相对稳定的情况下,如何降低商业银行实际的风险承担量就成为解决汽车消费信贷市场目前问题的根本途径。

    The ultimate path out of the plight is to lessen the risk taken by the creditors at the condition of the steady risk capability of creditors .

  22. 团队在项目当前状态下的风险承受能力是决定引入新技术与否的另一个考虑因素。

    The risk taking capacity of the team at the current state of project can be another factor in deciding whether the technology should be introduced or not .

  23. 新规定还要求银行健全其理财产品设计以及信息披露程序,以保证理财产适合客户风险承受能力。

    The new rules also require banks to improve the design of wealth management products and their disclosure procedures and to ensure products are appropriate for the customers'risk profiles .

  24. 原因很多,而最主要的一点是,你现在的风险承受能力是最强的(特别是你没有助学贷款要还,而且你的生活开支很少)。

    First , your tolerance for risk is greater now than it may ever be again ( especially given that you have no student loans and minimal living expenses ) .

  25. 我国出口依存度与经济风险承受能力的非匹配性是我国近两年经济下滑的主要原因。

    The inconsistency between export dependency and the capability of enduring economic risks of our country is the prime reason for the decline of economy in the recent two years .

  26. 对于风险承受能力一般且追求稳定收益的拥有大规模资金的机构投资者,股指期货为其提供了无风险套利的机会。

    For risk to bear ability general and pursuit of steady benefits with large capital of institutional investors , stock index futures offer for its performance of risk arbitrage opportunities .

  27. 商业银行实践中,质押率由贷款银行采用经验估值法综合确定,无法准确反映银行的风险承受能力。

    In current banking practice , banks still rely on the experience to determine the impawn rate , which would be far from consistent with the risk tolerance level of banks .

  28. 本文从经济收入、外部风险承受能力、社会竞争力和生产生活等方面分析了我国渔民弱势群体的外部特征;

    In the paper , the exterior characteristics of fisherfolk vulnerable group are analyzed at aspects of income , external risk bearing capability , social competition ability , producing and living quality ;

  29. 据此利用均值-方差理论及最优控制的方法,根据投资者的风险承受能力,寻求一个最优投资组合。

    In this paper , we use the theory of mean-variance and the method of optimal control to find the optimal portfolio based on the investors ' enduring ability to the risk .

  30. 必须根据各个时期的理财目标、风险承受能力为工薪阶层提供量身定做,有针对性的个人理财服务,重在涉及到生活最根本的财务规划方面,及适当合理的投资规划方面。

    The banks should provide Suitable personal financial services mainly on the aspects of fundamental Financial and investment planning for the salaried class according to Specific goals and families ' affordability in different stages .