
dào qī rì
  • due date;expiring date;date of expiry;date due;dies ad quem
到期日[dào qī rì]
  1. 周年日系指每年对应于海事劳工证书到期日的月份和日期。

    Anniversary date means the day and month of each year which will correspond to the date of expiry of the maritime labour certificate .

  2. 然而必须在债券到期日,或投资者以高于债券买入价出售债券时交纳资本利得税。

    Capital gains taxes , however , must be paid on “ munis ” when the bonds mature or if they are sold for more than the investor ’ s purchase price .

  3. 词语“从X月X日”(from)以及“X月X日之后”(after)用于确定到期日时不包括所述日期。

    The words " from " and " after " when used to determine a maturity date exclude the date mentioned .

  4. 如该发票在到期日仍未缴付,ups将收取逾期缴款费用。

    In the event that an invoice is overdue , ups will charge a late payment fee .

  5. IBMBPM使用完成任务的平均时间和任务到期日,动态地决定任务是否处于AtRisk状态。

    IBM BPM dynamically determines whether a task is At Risk by using the average time taken to complete the task and the task due date .

  6. 给定收益率曲线和到期日,波动率越大,CBA越大;

    The higher the volatility , the greater is the CBA given the term and the yield curve .

  7. 该图也显示了完成一个实例所需的平均时间,并与(如前所述)实例到期日配合使用,以计算实例是否处于即将逾期的AtRisk,如图14所示。

    It also shows the average time taken to complete an instance , which ( as described earlier ) is used along with the instance due date to calculate whether an instance is At Risk of going overdue , as shown in Figure 14 .

  8. 该登记薄上附注了注册专业工程师(RPE)的所有相关详情,以及注册证书的到期日和英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的评审日等相关信息。

    This register references all relevant details of RPE qualification plus expiry date of the registration certificate and BPS review date .

  9. 国际清算银行(BIS)由各国央行组成的组织已经用国际银行业的数据来设计到期日不匹配的衡量标准。

    The Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ), a club of central banks , has used its data on international banking to develop a measure of maturity mismatch .

  10. 如果欧元区领导人推进“软”债务重组或自愿债务重组计划、延长希腊债券到期日,那么信用违约互换(cds)交易员可能成为主要受害者之一。

    If eurozone leaders press ahead with plans to extend Greek bond maturities in a " soft " or voluntary debt restructuring , then traders in credit default swaps could be one of the main casualties .

  11. 确认有效性,fmea应该要像其他重要的专案来进行,意味著时程表应该建立到期日与特定的截止日期。

    To ensure effectiveness , a FMEA should be conducted like any other important project , meaning that a schedule should be established and due dates and deadlines specified .

  12. 此外,结果表明不同到期日利率期限结构可由缩压的马尔科夫区制转移CKLS模型获得。

    Additionally , the results show that the term structure of interest rates of different maturities can be obtained with the nested Markov regime switching CKLS model .

  13. 而HKM策略则考虑了时间因素的影响,认为最优套期保值比例是一个距合约到期日的函数。

    HKM strategy takes the time into account , which thinks the optimal hedge ratio is a function of time to delivery date .

  14. KMV模型将公司权益看作欧式看涨期权,以公司资产价值作为标的资产,某一债务水平作为执行价格,债务到期日为期权执行日。

    KMV model regard the equity of company as European call option , the value of the assets of the company as the underlying assets , a level of debt as the execution price , debt maturity as the option exercise date .

  15. 对用于套期保值的期汇合约,企业是打算持有到到期日的,按IASC的倾向意见一般是按初期确认的公允价值来计量,这实际上是在报告日仍然保持历史成本的计量属性。

    To use as hedge forward contract , enterprise are going to possess to the end , IASC 's opinion refer to compute as spot evenhanded value , this is keeping diachronic costing computation on the report day as fact .

  16. 采用赫尔-怀特(Hull-White)短期利率模型,利用偏微分方程基本解方法,分别就标准型和资产交付日滞后于期权到期日类型的欧式附息票债券期权给出定价公式。

    The pricing of coupon-bearing bond option with delay in delivery is discussed , where the fundamental solution of partial differential equation is adopted and an explicit pricing formula of European option based on Hull-White model of short interest rate is exhibited .

  17. 批评人士已经指出了延长贷款到期日计划的风险。

    Critics have pointed to dangers in the loan rollover plan .

  18. 到期日固定存款期间结束的日期。

    Maturity DateThe date on which the fixed deposit term ends .

  19. 这个日期更常用的叫法是到期日。

    This date is more commonly known as the value date .

  20. 指到期日在一年或一个营业周期以上之借款。

    Borrowing with due date beyond one year or one operating cycle .

  21. 定期存款通常具有预先规定的到期日和数额。

    Time deposits generally have a predetermined maturity and amount .

  22. 它考察的名义收益率,目前的产量和年至到期日。

    It examines the nominal yield , current yield and years to maturity .

  23. 石油期货价格距到期日效应波动实证研究

    Maturity Effect on Oil Futures Price in the World

  24. 报告的到期日依然相同。

    The report is ( still ) due at the published due date .

  25. 储蓄存款是一种没有特定到期日的计息存款。

    Saving deposits are interest-bearing deposits without specific maturity .

  26. 距离六月三十日这个合约到期日剩下不到六星期的时间。

    There is less than six weeks before the June 30 contract expiration .

  27. 能告诉我你的信用卡号码和它的到期日吗?

    Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date ?

  28. 如果持有债券至到期日取得的总收益。

    The total return on a bond investment realized if held to maturity .

  29. 在计划完成之2个月内为完成最后报告之到期日。

    A complete Final Report is due within two months of project completion .

  30. 中国硬麦期货交易的距到期日效应研究

    To-Expire-Day Effect of Hard Winter White Wheat Trading in China 's Futures Market