
  • 网络strategy;Investment Strategy;investmentstrategy
  1. 不用遵照那套荒唐愚蠢的投资策略也可以做到。

    It can be done without following some absurd , off-the-wall investment strategy .

  2. 依据MM理论,在理想情况下的完美市场当中,企业的投资策略和资本结构无关。

    According to the MM theory , in the ideal case of perfect markets , investment strategy and capital structure are irrelevance .

  3. 从数码天空科技公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)的尤里•米尔纳到安德森•霍洛维茨,许多投资者的投资策略,按照米尔纳的说法便是“力挺创始人”。

    Investors from Digital Sky Technologies ' Yuri Milner to Andreessen Horowitz have built their investment strategies on " sticking with the founders , " as Milner has said .

  4. 使用Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman方法,我们求得投资策略的精确表达式,同时分析了所得到的解对个体偏好的敏感性。

    By the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman approach , we obtain the exact formula of the strategy for this model .

  5. 基于宏观经济系统仿真实例,根据LMI的可行解,给出满足特定经济指标的最优国家预算内投资策略值。

    Based on the macroeconomic system simulation example , according to the feasible solution of LMI , give the specific value of the optimal state budget investment strategy which meet specific economic indicators .

  6. 亚洲的这次反弹很不错,但我们担心,将在未来几周真正触底,JP摩根私人银行(JPMorganPrivateBank)驻香港的首席投资策略师IvanLeung表示。

    It was a great bounce in Asia but we fear that the real bottom will come in a couple of weeks , said Ivan Leung , chief investment strategist in Asia for JPMorgan Private Bank in Hong Kong .

  7. STAR-GARCH模型与股票市场投资策略非线性

    STAR-GARCH Model and Nonlinearity of Investment Strategies of Chinese Stock Markets

  8. BarclaysGlobalInvestors驻旧金山的投资策略负责人克斯特里奇(RussKoesterich)用华尔街行话形容这种持续的疲弱期说,我们现在处于漫长的熊市。

    ' We are in a secular bear market , 'says Russ Koesterich , head of investment strategy at Barclays Global Investors in San Francisco , using Wall Street jargon for this kind of prolonged weak period .

  9. StrategasResearchPartners首席投资策略师特恩纳特(JasonDeSenaTrennert)说,创造信用的机器已经受到了半永久性的损害,这就像是开关已经关掉了一样。

    ' The credit-creation machine is semi-permanently impaired , 'says Jason DeSena Trennert , chief investment strategist at Strategas Research Partners . 'It 's almost like a switch was turned off . '

  10. 而本文对ERPT股票投资策略实证研究结果可对投资者的股票投资策略的制定提供借鉴。

    The conclusion of the empirical research will provide certain reference value for investors in investment decision for stock choice .

  11. 确实,最近市场的大跌已经让风险平价基金总体的吸引力有所下降,新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed最近将这类基金捧为投资策略界的史蒂夫•卡瑞尔(著名喜剧明星),我认为这话是恭维。

    Indeed , the recent market downturn has taken some of the allure off of risk parity funds in general , which buzzfeed recent touted as the the Steve Carell of investment strategies , which I think was a compliment .

  12. 针对形式问题,本文提出了在我国企业中的采用基于经济增加值的企业管理层长期激励机制(EVAs),藉此改善企业的委托代理关系以改善企业投资策略的观点;

    To counter the form , the solution is to adopt EVAs to the enterprise in our country so as to improve the enterprise investment strategy by reasoning the Relation of the Agency By Agreement ;

  13. 巴菲特的投资策略可映射出他的生活方式和人生哲学。

    Buffett 's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and overall philosophy .

  14. 选择金融资产组合投资策略的优化方法

    An optimal method to selecting strategy of combined financial asset investment

  15. 基于上市公司财务信息的投资策略研究

    Research of Investment Strategies Based on Financial Information of Listed Companies

  16. 论知识经济时代的投资策略选择

    Options on the Investment Strategies in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  17. 行为金融理论与投资策略应用研究

    The Studies on Behavioral Finance Theory and It 's Investment Strategies

  18. 委托代理框架下实物期权最优投资策略研究

    Research on optimal investment tactics of real option under trust-agent conditions

  19. 商业银行在贴现消费优化下的行业投资策略

    Optimal Trade Investment Policy of Commercial Bank Under the Discounted Consumption

  20. 基于组合保险技术的养老保险基金投资策略分析

    Investment Strategies Analysis of Pension Funds Based on Portfolio Insurance Technique

  21. 封闭式基金收益率及投资策略分析

    Analysis about the Return of Closed-End Fund and Its Investment Tactics

  22. 平台企业竞争有效性及投资策略性效果研究

    The Research on Platform Competition Efficiency and Strategic Effects of Investment

  23. 金管局定期检讨其投资策略及运作。

    The HKMA regularly reviews its investment strategy and operations .

  24. 问题债务投资策略与风险研究

    Study on the Strategies and Risk of Investing Distressed Debt

  25. 排污权交易条件下厂商最优污染治理投资策略研究

    On Optimal Strategy of Abatement Investments in the Condition of Emission Trading

  26. 基于技术变化周期的投资策略5、辅助资产理论。

    Investment Strategy Based on Technology Cycle Science and technology cycle theory .

  27. 中国人造板投资策略及产业前景

    China 's Wood Based Panel : Strategy of Investment & Industrial Prospection

  28. 跟踪指数式的被动投资策略削弱了定价机制。

    Passive , index-tracking investment strategies have dulled pricing mechanisms .

  29. 投资者只能依据所掌握的信息作出相应的投资策略。

    Investor have to make their strategy by using information .

  30. 鉴于此,本文认为在不同的市场环境中应该采用不同的投资策略。

    Different strategies should be used in different market environment .