
tóu zī shōu yì lǜ
  • return on investment
  1. 文章介绍了能源投资收益率(EROI指数)的概念&能源生产过程中能源产出和能源消耗的比值,引入了能源质量因子的概念,并以此为理论依据介绍了能源投资收益率的计算方法。

    In this paper , the author introduced the concept of energy return on investment ( EROI ) and method of calculating EROI by energy quality .

  2. 尽管投资收益率低,我国国有企业仍然有很大的投资冲动,浪费了大量社会资源。

    Despite the low return on investment , Chinese state-owned enterprises still have a great impulse to invest , and waste a lot of social resources .

  3. 你将能获得8%的平均投资收益率。

    You 'll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8 % on your investments .

  4. Twitter如何向广告主证明投资收益率?

    How do you show ROI to advertisers ?

  5. 相似的,发行价格因子(PRC)与初始投资收益率因子(IR)与长期股票收益率之间呈现出负的相关性。

    Similarly , there is a negative relation between the buy-and-hold return and the offering price factor and the initial return factor .

  6. 本文简述了内部收益率(IRR)与简单投资收益率的基本差异。

    This paper have briefly introduced the basic difference between IRR and Investment revenue rate .

  7. 针对净现值(NPV)与内部收益率(IRR)的非自洽性问题,认为再投资收益率说并不能很好地解释NPV与IRR非自洽的原因。

    In allusion to the reason of the conflict between NPV and IRR , this paper thinks reinvestment rate theory cant explain it well .

  8. Markowitz以证券投资收益率的方差作为组合投资风险的度量,开辟了金融定量分析的时代。

    , and the research of risk measurement is the hotspot in finance invest research at all times . Markowitz mean-variance model inaugurate a new period for quantify of portfolio investment risk .

  9. 根据国外BOT项目调查结果,结合中国实际,对影响公路建设BOT项目的关键因素:项目鉴别、财团实力、项目经济强度、投资收益率、担保结构等方面进行了分析。

    According to investigation result of abroad BOT projects , and connecting reality of China , the critical factor for BOT projects of highway construction is analyzed as following : project identification ? strength of consortium ? project strength in finance ?

  10. 在EVA准则下,企业价值创造能力的评估标准,关键在于是否超过资本成本,而不是投资收益率,因此与其他估价方法比较,EVA更具有全面性、前瞻性和合理性。

    In the EVA criteria , the ability to create enterprise value evaluation criteria , the key is whether more than the cost of capital , rather than investment returns , so comparison with other valuation methods , EVA is more comprehensive , forward-looking rationality .

  11. 通常IPO股票上市首日的收盘价要远远高于其招股发行价格,使得IPO的投资者能够获得超过正常收益的投资收益率,这就是所谓的股票IPO抑价。

    Usually the closing price of IPO on the open market for the first time is far higher than its issue price , which makes the investors who subscribe IPO able to acquire a paranormal rate of return , and this is so - called IPO underpricing .

  12. 文章最后,提出了完善我国QDII制度的建议和对策,通过实证分析得出QDII能够通过在不同资本市场配置资源从而更大范围内分散风险,获得较高的投资收益率。

    Finally , the paper proposes solutions to improve the QDII system . From empirical analysis , we conclude that QDII can disperse risks through allocating the resources in different capital markets , get a higher rate of investment returning .

  13. g-h分布目前大多被用于金融领域,用来研究投资收益率的特征,很少被应用于保险领域。本文详细介绍了g-h分布并将其应用到保险领域对地震灾害的损失分布进行拟合。

    In this context , the author introduces the g-h distribution which is generally applied in the financial investing yield field and rarely in the insurance field into the earthquake loss data fitting .

  14. 结果表明:增施有机肥和氮肥能够提高黄瓜产量,经济效益和投资收益率均较高的是M2N3、M3N1、M3N2。

    The result showed that the yield of cucumber was increased by increasing the rate of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer application , and the ones were M2N3 、 M3N1 、 M3N2 which had a higher economic benefit and investment income rate .

  15. 证券组合的投资收益率被忽视了。

    The rate of return on a portfolio has been neglected .

  16. 高等教育投资收益率反映了投资于高等教育所获得的净收益。

    It reflects the net investment benefits to higher education .

  17. 二甲醚的售价强烈地影响投资收益率。

    Return on total capital investment is strongly affected by DME prices .

  18. 或任意两种金融商品的边际投资收益率相等。

    Or the marginal cost of financing by financial product must be equal .

  19. 教育投资收益率计算方法研究

    Research on Computing Methods of the Profit Rate of the Investment in Education

  20. 考虑投资收益率随机变化的复合二项风险模型的破产概率

    The ruin probabilities in compound binomial risk model with stochastic varying yields of investment

  21. 投资收益率可达1.55,内部收益率达16.57%。

    Respectively , investment profit rate internal profit rate were 1.55 and 16.57 % .

  22. 极大化证券组合的投资收益率

    Maximizing the Rate of Return on a Portfolio

  23. 在短期国库券市场,三个月的国库券支付百分之0.12投资收益率。

    In the Treasury bill market , the three-month T-bill paid a0.12 percent yield .

  24. 矿山生产主要不确定因素对投资收益率的影响程度

    Degree of effects of the main uncertain factors on investment income rate in mining production

  25. 接下来对模型中的承保利润率和投资收益率是如何影响定价利润因子的分别进行了详细的介绍。

    Secondly , underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return were expounded in detail .

  26. 较假定实际收益率为低的投资收益率

    Lower-than-assumed real rate of return on investment

  27. 2边际流动性价值与企业边际投资收益率成正相关。

    The marginal liquidity value of the stock is positive related to the enterprise marginal investing yield ;

  28. 不仅如此,在市场经济条件下,农业相对于工业和第三产业来说,投资收益率偏低。

    In addition , in market economy the accrual rate of agriculture investment rate is relatively low .

  29. 养老保险基金投资收益率严重偏低,直接影响到养老保险基金的增值。

    The low rate of investment return of pension fund has influenced the value of pension funds seriously .

  30. 所以企业投融资决策仅仅是资本成本、投资收益率的确定和比较。

    So the decision of investment and finance is just the compare of capital cost to the yield .