
  • 网络Consultants Company
  1. 但是,诸如像新普罗维登斯(NewProvidence)等之前看好美国经济的投资咨询公司由于担心欧洲债务危机而正在纷纷减少各自的股票投资份额。

    But , formerly bullish investment advisers like New Providence – worried over Europe – are reducing their equity commitments .

  2. 位于北京的美奇金投资咨询公司(JCapitalResearch)的负责人杨思安(AnneStevenson-Yang)甚至认为,阿里巴巴的GMV被高估了50%。

    Anne Stevenson Yang , head of Beijing-based J Capital Research , goes even further , charging that Alibaba 's GMV is up to 50 per cent overstated .

  3. 本文作者为英国独立投资咨询公司JewsonAssociates董事兼策略主管

    The writer is director and head of strategy at Jewson Associates , the UK-based independent investment consultants

  4. 中国的互联网巨头正逐渐发展为美奇金投资咨询公司(JCapitalResearch)的分析师杨思安(AnneStevenson-Yang)所称的“科技系列企业”(techKeiretsu)。这类企业是指20世纪主导日本经济、插足多个行业的国家冠军企业。

    China 's internet giants are becoming what analyst Anne Stevenson-Yang of J Capital Research calls " tech Keiretsu , " referring to the national champions that dominated the Japanese economy in the 20th century with interests in multiple industries .

  5. 上海投资咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(z-benadvisors)的彼得亚历山大(peteralexander)表示,中国创设新板市场,“只是何时扣动扳机的问题”。

    Peter Alexander , of Z-Ben advisors , an investment consultancy in Shanghai , says it is " just a matter of when the trigger is pulled " for the new Chinese market to be established .

  6. 创建投资咨询公司的经济效益分析

    The Economic Benefit Analysis on Starting Investment Consultant Company

  7. 在中国,人们通常将它们视为对冲基金,因为它们不受监管,通常自称投资咨询公司。

    In China they are often referred to as hedge funds because they are not regulated , and they usually call themselves investment consultants .

  8. 我们相信,理论上,你可以拥有自己的全资投资咨询公司,为资产组合提供咨询。

    We believe that you could theoretically have your own 100 per cent owned investment advisory , where you could advise on a portfolio of assets .

  9. 所以当前在网上打着所谓“期货投资咨询公司”名义招徕客户的,肯定不是合法公司。

    Hitting on the net currently so alleged " futures investment consults a company " name is catchpenny of the client , not be legal firm for certain .

  10. 从事证券工作是指:1、在证券公司、基金管理公司、证券投资咨询公司从事业务工作;

    " Engaging in the work of securities " refers to : 1.engaging in the business of a securities company , fund management company or securities investment consulting company ;

  11. 已与许多国内外知名的商会、协会、律师事务所、会计师事务所、投资咨询公司建立紧密的合作关系,搭建定期信息互通机制。

    We have established close cooperation relationships with many famous chambers of commerce , associations , law firms , accounting firms , investment-consulting firms , and set up a mechanism for regular information exchange .

  12. 中国警方拘捕了网上热门股票博客的博主王秀杰,此举可能对中国扩散的、不受监管的投资咨询公司和地下对冲基金造成威胁。

    China 's proliferation of unregulated investment advice companies and private hedge funds could be under threat after the arrest of a blogger whose online stock tips made his site one of the country 's most popular .

  13. 2002年10月起在上海投资咨询公司兼职,参与了多个行业研究的项目,学习了国内外通行的行业研究方法。

    Since Oct. 2002 , the author also has worked part-time for Shanghai Investment and Counsel Company . In this company , the author has taken part in several projects of the industry study and mastered the international industry research methods .

  14. 本文对笔者所在的上海JD投资咨询有限公司的客户流失问题进行研究。

    This paper mainly researched the problem of losing clients in Shanghai JD Investment Consulting Co. , Ltd.

  15. 美奇金(北京)投资咨询有限公司(JCapitalResearch)研究总监杨思安(AnneStevenson-Yang)总结说,中国中小城市的房地产市场是极其不切实际的空中楼阁。她曾经多次往返中国各地,考察房地产的发展状况。

    Anne Stevenson-Yang , research director at J Capital Research in Beijing , who crisscrosses China checking out property developments , sums up the real-estate market in China 's smaller cities ' an incredible house of cards . '

  16. 为GM及其附属公司管理养老金投资的咨询公司PerformanceEquity,是正在减持私人股本投资(目的是降低整个投资组合的风险)的多家传统私人股本投资者之一。

    Performance Equity , an advisory firm that manages pension investments for GM and its affiliates , is one of many traditional private equity investors that are reducing investments with private equity groups in order to lower their portfolios ' risk .

  17. 网站最终的解释权归南京同威投资咨询有限公司。

    Nanjing Co-glory Investment Consulting has the terminal explanation right of the website .

  18. 我们还邀请到了越煤集团-工业与矿山投资咨询股份公司副经理阮越强先生;

    We also invited vice manager Mr Ruan Yueqiang , from Vietnam coal Group-Industrial and Mining Investment consulting AG ;

  19. 在某投资咨询顾问公司工作的陈小姐(非真名)对此就深有感触。

    Chen ( not her real name ) , who works for an investment consulting company , knows this all too well .

  20. 上海翰申投资咨询有限公司是一家为客户提供专业投资理财服务的咨询引介公司。

    Shanghai Hanshen Investment and Consulting Ltd , It 's a consulting and introducing company supporting professional investment and management service for clients .

  21. 商业及非住宅租务资料系统上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。

    Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc.

  22. 上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。年(住宅房地)加租管制法

    Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc. Rent Increases ( Domestic Premises ) Control Act , 1971 1971

  23. 一家投资财经咨询公司的商务计划:研究显示一个普通咖啡消费者的咖啡消耗从10到60岁随年龄增长,甚至在60岁以后,咖啡消费仍然保持很高。

    Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker 's consumption of coffee increases with age , from age10 through age60.Even after age60 , coffee consumption remains high .

  24. 银行老板仍人重视支持研究分析给自己投资银行和咨询公司业务带来利润。

    Bank bosses still value the support research analysts can give their profitable investment-banking and corporate-advisory businesses .

  25. 如果你想成为一个企业家,那么在投资银行或咨询公司的工作经历对你来说毫无意义。

    If you want to be an entrepreneur , working at an investment bank or consulting firm for a while is pointless .

  26. 上海拜科投资管理咨询有限公司的总部设在美国底特律的项目国际顾问有限公司上海分公司。

    PAC Project Advisors Shanghai Limited is an affiliate company to the United States based PAC Project Advisors International , Ltd. , whose headquarter is in Detroit , USA.

  27. 这会是一份折磨人的工作,但是在最顶尖的会计事务所、律所、投资银行和咨询公司,生活就是这样的。

    It can make for a grueling work life , but at the highest levels of accounting , law , investment banking and consulting firms , it is just the way things are .

  28. 房地产、营销、投资银行业和咨询公司都是主要的争夺者,2006届学员中,有近20%选择进入房地产行业,营销和投资银行业分别吸引了约19%的毕业生。

    Real estate , marketing , investment banking and consultancy are all big contenders , with approximately 20 per cent of the class of 2006 opting for real estate , while marketing and investment banking secured about 19 per cent respectively .

  29. 在投资银行、主流及另类投资管理公司与咨询公司之间的人才流动,如今已很普通。

    Movement between investment banks , mainstream and alternative investment managers and consultants is now commonplace .