
  • 网络market value;Market Capitalization;market capitalisation
  1. 市价总值该公司的市值将近二十亿美元。

    market capitalization The company 's market capitalization is nearly $ 2 billion .

  2. 注:股票发行量、总发行股本、市价总值和筹资额均不含H股。

    Note : Issued amount , total issued capital , total market capitalization and raised capital of shares don 't include H share .

  3. 一个国家境内的商品和劳务的市价总值,是度量国家经济增长的重要指标。

    The total value of goods and services produced by a nation and it is the main measure of one nation economic output .

  4. 最新统计表明,我国已拥有境内上市公司1232家,市价总值达47204.18亿元。

    The new method leads to revaluation of listed companies According to the latest statistics , there are 1,232 listed companies which own 4720.418 billion market value in China .

  5. 本文最主要的创新在于,以1994-2002年每月的市价总值数据为基础,计算了股市泡沫系数,并创造性地把物理学的波动系数理论应用到测定股市波动当中。

    The main innovation of the dissertation lies in its calculation of stock market bubble coefficient and its creative application of undulation coefficient theory in physics to forecasting the fluctuation of stock market .