
  • 网络market conditions;Market Situation
  1. 文中分析了iPhone增值服务软件的市场状况,以及未来的发展方向。

    It analyses the market conditions and developments of iPhone mobile value-added service software .

  2. 实际上,有传言称,由于市场状况不佳,该公司的ipo可能会推迟。

    Indeed , there were rumours that the IPO could be delayed because of poor market conditions .

  3. 市场状况难以评价。

    The market situation is difficult to evaluate .

  4. 由于一些IPO首日上市表现令人失望,一些公司推迟了股票发行,以等待市场状况改善。

    Disappointing trading debuts for some IPOs have meant some companies have delayed share offerings as they wait for better market conditions .

  5. 综述了世界GaAs材料的生长技术发展状况、生产状况、应用和市场状况及发展趋势。

    The developments of technologies , production , applications , market situation and developmental trend and prospects of global GaAs material are reviewed .

  6. 另一家科学组织、美国国家研究委员会(nationalresearchcouncil)在分析了2007年的市场状况后总结到:对外国资源的依赖,可能“使美国众多行业面临政治、经济及其它方面的风险”。

    The National Research Council of the US , another scientific group , after studying the market in 2007 concluded that the reliance on foreign sources could " expose a range of US industries to political , economic and other risk " .

  7. 然而,银行人士和分析师认为,如果市场状况有所改善,那么,不包括日本的亚太地区今年下半年仍可能进行规模为700亿美元的IPO。

    However , if market conditions improve then Asia Pacific , excluding Japan , could yet host $ 70bn worth of IPOs in the second half of the year , according to bankers and analysts .

  8. 在第二章对C2C,B2C总体市场状况作了分析,并从乾坤公司的各个业务部分分别分析了其市场机会和竞争状况。

    In the second chapter we analyzed the whole situation of the B2C and C2C market , and also the market opportunity and competition status of each business area of this project .

  9. 花旗集团(Citigroup)周二通过发行由政府提供担保的债券筹资50亿美元。这种政府担保机制将在6周后到期。随着市场状况的改善,花旗多数竞争对手都已放弃了这种融资方法。

    Citigroup raised $ 5bn in government-guaranteed bonds on Tuesday under a emergency facility that is set to expire in six weeks and has been abandoned by most of its rivals as market conditions improved .

  10. 中国远洋运输集团(cosco)昨日警告称,预期将宣布今年上半年亏损,这一消息突显集装箱航运集团所面临的糟糕市场状况。

    China COSCO warned yesterday that it expected to announce a loss for the first half of the year , highlighting the dreadful market conditions facing container shipping groups .

  11. 首先,本文对ERP行业的状况进行了描述和分析,介绍了ERP的概念及发展历程,指出了ERP产品的发展趋势,分析了ERP在国内的发展应用及市场状况。

    Firstly the paper introduces to us the conception and the history of the ERP , then describe the status of the ERP industry . The paper points out the trend of the ERP production and depicts the marketing of the ERP in China .

  12. 知情人士称,凯雷(carlyle)已重新开始考虑公开上市的可能性,这突显出在金融市场状况改善之际,私人股本公司信心日增。

    Carlyle has resumed deliberations about a possible public listing , people familiar with the matter say , underscoring the growing confidence of private equity firms as conditions in the financial markets improve .

  13. 通过微分方程法获得最优竞价策略的数学模型,并分析了在不同市场状况以及不同市场信息量的情况下,竞价策略的具体方案,应用基于级差格式的灰色logistic模型对竞价曲线参数β进行预测。

    The project of Competitive Bidding Strategies is analyzed under different market status and different market information based on the differential equation gained from the math model of furthest Competitive Bidding Strategies . And the contest price curve parameter β is forecasted applying Grey logistic Model .

  14. 瑞士银行(UBS)昨日提醒投资者,由于市场状况疲弱,加上与自身债务价值相关的一次性会计因素的影响,该行第四季度可能出现巨额亏损。瑞银是信贷危机最大的受害者之一。

    UBS , one of the biggest casualties of the credit crisis , prepared investors yesterday for a heavy loss in the fourth quarter as it warned of weak markets and one-off accounting factors linked to the value of its own debt .

  15. 台积电董事长兼首席执行官张忠谋(morrischang)表示,他预计市场状况的好转在整个第三季度都将持续,但担心第四季度会较第三季度略有恶化。

    Morris Chang , the TSMC chairman and chief executive who returned to run the company in June , said that he expected the improvement in conditions to last through the third quarter but expressed concern that the fourth might be slightly worse than the third .

  16. 通江纸厂投资效益及市场状况分析

    Analysis of Capital Revenue and Market Conditions for Tongjiang Papermaking Factory

  17. 于是,整个乘用车市场状况变得异常复杂。

    The market situation of passengers ' car becomes more complicated .

  18. 我们力争从现在起建立有序的市场状况。

    We 're aiming for orderly market conditions from now on .

  19. 国内钢丝帘线市场状况及发展走势分析

    Analysis of Domestic Market Condition and Development Trend for Steel Tyre Cord

  20. 我国水产品市场状况分析

    Analysis on the Present State of Aquatic Product in China

  21. 乙醇胺市场状况及其装置建设初探

    Market Situation of Ethanolamine and Preliminary Discussion on Construction of its Plant

  22. 国内外锌市场状况和分析

    The situation analysis of zinc market at home and abroad

  23. 浅析城市土地隐形市场状况及整改措施

    The current situations of urban hidden land market and the related measures

  24. 介绍了研制样品的性能和分析检测结果,最后还就国内外的市场状况进行了产品的经济性分析。

    Finally , it conducts the economic analysis on the marketing status .

  25. 全球主要大国的政府都很担心市场状况。

    The key governments are worried about the market situation .

  26. 根据市场状况,提供科学有效的促销方案。

    According to market conditions , to provide scientific and effective marketing programs .

  27. 2002~2005年我国抗心律失常药市场状况及趋势分析

    Chinese Market for Antiarrhythmic Drugs : Status and Trends in 2002 ~ 2005

  28. 苹果醋市场状况分析及发展前景

    Current situation and future prospects of apple vinegar market

  29. 中国药业:竞争特点、市场状况与发展思考

    China 's Pharmaceutical Industry : Competitive Features , Marketing Condition and Development Strategy

  30. 文摘:评述了铼的资源、应用和市场状况。

    Abstract : rosources , uses and market situation of rhenium were related .