
  • 网络market;market quotation
  1. 鱼的价格随着市场行情而变化。

    The prices of fish vary according to market conditions .

  2. 股票市场行情急转直下。

    The stock market turned down sharply .

  3. 他极其清晰地陈述了市场行情。

    He stated the market situation with astonishing clarity .

  4. 出版发行是商业行为,而且出版社通晓市场行情。

    publishing is a commercial business and the publisher knows the market .

  5. 市场行情在不断变化。

    The market is in a constant state of flux .

  6. RobertHalf的年度薪资指导给出了几种行业以及不同市场行情下的底薪信息。

    Robert Half 's annual Salary Guides provide information on starting salaries for several industries and markets .

  7. 在6月,CVC归咎于市场行情,推迟了原有计划的公开募股。

    In June CVC postponed the proposed IPO , blaming market conditions .

  8. 世界交易所联合会(worldfederationofexchanges,wfe)则认为,大量交易通过“暗池”完成,使投资者摸不清市场行情。

    The World Federation of exchanges argues that too much trading takes place on dark pools , making markets opaque for many investors .

  9. 策略师表示,近期市场行情的往复变化具备熊市反弹的全部特征。伦敦金融城的交易员有时将这种反弹称作死猫反弹(deadcatbounce)。

    Strategists say the recent gyrations have all the hallmarks of a bear market rally , or dead cat bounce as they are sometimes called by City traders .

  10. 提出了基于Internet的空间数据和非空间数据分布存储的空间数据仓库模型,并将其与数据挖掘技术相结合,开发了基于Internet的农产品市场行情时空演变可视化信息系统。

    This paper proposes a model of spatial data warehousing based on Internet and distributive storage of spatial data and non-spatial data . The model combined with data mining technology , a visual information system of time-space evolution of the agriculture products market is developed .

  11. 一名小贩表示,iPhone的市场行情比过去几年差多了,但他表示,希望海关新一轮的打击走私的行动会在一定程度上推动价格回升。

    One vendor said the market for the phones was far worse than in past years but said he hoped a new crackdown on smuggling by customs officers would help push their price back up .

  12. 因为Chromebook的市场行情一直很差,谷歌对此一筹莫展。

    After all , the Google-powered machines had struggled to gain traction with consumers .

  13. 近几年来,随着市场行情的变化和自身条件的逐渐成熟,GL电器开始探索适合自身发展的多元化之路。

    In recent years , along with the market changes and their own conditions of mature gradually , GL electrical began to explore the diversity of their suitable way .

  14. 综述我国ABS树脂产业现状、消费与进出口状况、2000年消费预测;并分析近期市场行情。

    The author summarizes the current production conditions , consumption and import and export situations of ABS resin in China , and makes the prediction of consumption of the year of 2000 and also analyzes the recent market situations .

  15. 破产管理机构德勤(Deloitte)已任命地产中介第一太平戴维斯(Savills)和德勤地产(DeloitteRealEstate)负责出售这栋大楼。据了解市场行情的人士称,该大楼的市值据信至少为6.50亿英镑。

    Administrators Deloitte have appointed estate agents Savills and Deloitte Real Estate to sell the building , which is thought to have a market value of at least & # 163 ; 650m , according to those with knowledge of the market .

  16. 将你的投资自动化,申请将工资扣减项自动转帐到401k退休金计划中这样的服务,以便在市场行情不好时仍然持续买进股票。

    Automate your investing , so you keep buying stocks during rough markets , by signing up for payroll deduction into your company's401 ( k ) .

  17. 在场外交易期货是非法的。监管机构担心,交易商可能会使用这些交易(称为EFS)达成并不反映市场行情的价格。

    Trading futures off an exchange is illegal , and regulators are concerned that traders may have used these deals , known as EFSs , to agree prices that did not reflect the market .

  18. 盘整市场行情下,GD-DPIS策略能获得较为稳定的收益,其绩效表现取决于参数的设定。

    In the shake market GD-DPIS can get the stable income , but its performance due to its parameter option .

  19. 最近数据证实在银的价格,即,在什么之间的碰撞的一个复发的样式在本文COMEX未来市场行情和实物市场上发生。

    Recent data confirm a recurring pattern in the price of silver , namely , a clash between what is occurring in the paper COMEX futures market and the physical market .

  20. 据Hellstrom先生称,爱立信公司将使用增股方式来继续加强其财务状况,并确保在市场行情好转时公司有足够的流动资金。

    Mr Hellstrom said Ericsson would use the rights issue proceeds to strengthen its balance sheet and ensure adequate working capital for when market conditions improved .

  21. CBOT通过公开竞价交易形成的期货价格也成为世界玉米价格的风向标,各国生产经营者据此价格的涨跌行情来判断和预测未来市场行情的演变趋势,以调整和安排生产经营活动。

    The CBOT futures price formed in the open bidding trade has also become the direction indicator of world corn price , according to which the producers all over the world estimate and predict the developing trend of future market in order to adjust and arrange production and operation .

  22. 北京:房地产市场行情是否真的不好?

    Beijing : the real estate market situation is really bad ?

  23. 大致来说,市场行情有上升的趋势。

    Roughly speaking there is an upward trend in the marker .

  24. 中国股票市场行情推动的主因素分析

    The Main Factor Analysis of China 's Stock Market Quotes Pushing

  25. 此后,你就要看市场行情的变化了。

    Thereafter you are subject to the vagaries of the market .

  26. 如何弄清自己工作薪资的市场行情。

    How to figure out the market rate for your work .

  27. 其定价也往往对市场行情的变动更为敏感。

    Pricing is also more sensitive to changes in market rates .

  28. 发行对象、市场行情与定向增发折扣

    Investment Identity , Securities Market Quotation , and Private Placement Discount

  29. 具体的选择取决于当年的市场行情和关注热点。

    Specific choice depends on the market and that focuses on hot .

  30. 我们的报盘符合世界市场行情。

    Our quotations are in line with the world market .