
  • 网络Monopoly;market monopoly
  1. MVB通信网关作为TCN通信网络中的重要组成部分,但它在国内的研究与应用却长期面临着国外厂家的技术封锁和市场垄断。

    Multifunction Vehicle Bus ( MVB ) gateway is an important component of TCN , but its research and application in China are faced with long-term technology blockade and market monopoly of foreign manufacturers .

  2. 当然,备受推崇的亚马逊商店处于市场垄断地位(或者勉强称得上是垄断),能够最大限度地利用KindleFire平板电脑,但亚马逊商店提供的电影、书籍、音乐、视频游戏和其他产品并不具有垄断性。

    Certainly , it has a monopoly ( of sorts ) on the highly regarded Amazon store for which the fire is optimized , but it certainly does not have monopolies on the movies , books , music , video games and other goods the store makes available .

  3. THC问题不仅涉及对运输合同和贸易合同的理解,还涉及到对航运和贸易惯例的理解,以及对市场垄断行为的管制。

    These questions concerned about transport contract , trade contract , and the traditions in shipping and commerce .

  4. TRIPS将进一步加强技术拥有者在技术供应方面的全球垄断地位,专利制度就要将这种技术的优势转化成为市场垄断权。

    Trips will further strengthen the global monopoly position for technology owner in the-technical supply aspect , patent system will transfer this kind of technical advantage into market monopoly right .

  5. 在定性分析产业内部和产业外部的影响因素的基础上,采用向量自回归模型(VAR)来实证检验产业结构变动幅度、财政收入比重和市场垄断程度对劳动报酬占比的影响。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis of industry influence internal and external factors of industry on the use of VAR model to empirical testing the magnitude of changes in the industrial structure , the proportion of fiscal revenue and market influence the degree of monopoly on the labor share .

  6. 行政性市场垄断:内涵、成因及防范

    Administrative Market Monopoly : Connotation , Contributing Factors and Avoiding Measures

  7. 限制市场垄断,保护自由竞争;

    Limit the market monopoly ; protect the free competition ;

  8. 市场垄断竞争力等级对古诺产量均衡的扰动

    Research on Disturbance of the Monopoly-Competition Power Grade on Cournot Duopoly Equilibrium Quantity

  9. 中国电信服务市场垄断的法律规制

    Regulations on the Monopoly upon Chinese Telecommunications Service Market

  10. “水床效应”既可能会加剧零售市场垄断化趋势,又可能损害消费者权利。

    The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers'welfare .

  11. 隐形冠军的市场垄断及其对我国中小企业的启示

    Market Monopoly of the Invisible Champion and its Enlightenment to Small Business Enterprises in China

  12. 论跨国公司进入中国后的市场垄断效应

    MNCs Entry of China and Market Monopoly

  13. 市场垄断影响治理,但产权属性对其影响不明显,这也说明资本市场的竞争不能代替实物市场的竞争。

    It shows that capital markets can not replace the kind of competitive goods market .

  14. 关于打破电信市场垄断的思考

    The Thinking about Breaking Telecommunication Market Company

  15. 勒纳指数是衡量市场垄断程度的一个重要的指标。

    The Lerner Index ( LI ) is a satisfactory measurement for the monopoly power .

  16. 行政性市场垄断是我国经济发展中急需解决的一大难题。

    Administrative market monopoly is a serious problem in the development of our country 's economy .

  17. 核电市场垄断性加剧;

    The acuity of the monopolization ;

  18. 寡头垄断是造成我国高房价的一个主要原因。接着将对我国房地产市场垄断的表现以及成因进行深入的分析。

    Oligopoly monopoly is one of the main reasons which have caused the costly housing price .

  19. 技术和产品市场垄断的主导性的形成成为推动当今世界科学技术日新月异发展的重要原因。

    The monopoly market struction about technology and producer is an important force to advance technology .

  20. 本文认为,应客观地看待经济发展过程中的市场垄断与竞争现象。

    We prefer thoughts about the phenomena of monopoly and competition in the development of economic objectively .

  21. 但我国金融市场垄断性过强,竞争性不足;

    But the monopoly of financial market of our country is too strong , competitive is not sufficient ;

  22. 他的目的是让他一个约尔公司的货运市场垄断加利福尼亚州。

    His aim is to make his one of the maior companies on the freight market of California .

  23. 传统的产业组织政策着眼于国内市场垄断与竞争的协调与处理,为保护国内消费者自由选择和生产者自由竞争的权利,反垄断成为产业组织政策的主流。

    Traditional polices on industrial organization stresses the coordination of domestic monopoly and competition , and antimonopoly is their mainstream .

  24. 另外,市场垄断日益依赖于对技术的控制,技术垄断越来越成为市场垄断的主要因素。

    The market monopoly depends on technology control gradually and the latter has become a major factor of market monopoly .

  25. 纵向兼并是一种获得市场垄断力量的手段,传统的研究认为纵向兼并可以节约交易成本和降低交易风险。

    Vertical merger is a way to gain market monopoly power . It was traditionally thought to reduce transaction cost risks .

  26. 美国司法部针对苹果公司平板电脑的市场垄断情况进行相关调查。

    Apple Inc is subjected to a probe into the monopoly of the tablet computer market by the US Department of Justice .

  27. 在保持一般竞争力提高的同时,努力提高产品的市场垄断竞争力。

    And we should make our efforts to improve the monopoly competitiveness of products in the market when we maintain a general competitiveness .

  28. 本文通过修正测定市场垄断力的常用指标&勒纳指数以及构建计量模型,实证分析了国际垄断对中国大豆进口的影响。

    Through adjusting Lerner index and establishing the econometric model , this paper empirically studies the influence of international monopoly on Chinas soybean import .

  29. 法律规定,如果并购损害竞争的话,将被阻止。但是,法律并没有指出什么程度的市场垄断将被视为不可接受。

    The law says mergers will be blocked if they hurt competition but gives no indication of what level of market dominance is deemed unacceptable .

  30. 公序良俗原则确立的经济基础是市场垄断的出现和扩大、哲学基础是现实主义法哲学的兴起、理论基础是民法理念的转变。

    The principle of Good Order & Custom bases on social economic changes , the realistic philosophy is coming popular and the concept changing of civil law .