
  • 网络ROHS;environmental protection standard;environmental standard
  1. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)CEO杰夫•伊梅尔特、杜邦(Dupont)CEO柯爱伦和中国石化CEO傅成玉均赞成这样一点,那就是,中国需要更严格的环保标准,同时制实施。

    General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt , DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman , and Fu all agreed that China needs tougher environmental standards and ones that are enforced .

  2. 产品符合ROHS环保标准。

    All products meet environmental standards of ROHS .

  3. 经过一年多的系统调试,使系统出水9项指标(除COD不能稳定达到一级)稳定达到了国家一级环保标准。

    After more than one year of testing and controlling , 9 indexes ( not including COD ) of effluent can reach the first grade of national environmental standard .

  4. 经FGD系统处理后的烟气达到国家环保标准,其脱硫效率达到95%以上。

    The flue gas processed by the FGD system can meet the national environmental protection standard , and the desulfurization ratio has reached 95 % above .

  5. 采用穿孔萃取法测得构树均质刨花板的甲醛释放量达到E1级,是达到环保标准的板材。

    By perforation method , the result shows that formaldehyde emission is up to E1 standard in Europe . Broussonetia papyrifera homogeneous particleboard is a green environmentally product .

  6. UNEP的执行主任AchimSteiner说,有几家公司已经就如何制定使用生物燃料的环保标准问题咨询了该机构。

    UNEP executive director Achim Steiner said several companies had consulted the agency on how best to develop environmentally-sound standards for using biofuels .

  7. 阐述了ISO14000国际环保标准对企业发展的主要意义、实施的程序与措施。

    The significance of ISO 14000 international standard of environmental protection to the development of enterprises is discussed and relevant procedures and measures are introduced .

  8. 世界第二大汽车制造商上周五被勒令在美国召回近50万辆汽车,此前它向美国监管机构——国家环境保护局(EPA)承认,它曾安装“欺骗装置”以便冒充达到环保标准。

    The world 's second-biggest carmaker was ordered on Friday to recall nearly half a million cars in the US after it admitted to the US regulator , the Environmental Protection Agency , that it had fitted " defeat devices " to bypass environmental standards .

  9. 它符合所有相关的安全和环保标准。

    It is compliant with all relevant safety and environmental standards .

  10. 现代油田企业安全与环保标准体系

    Safety and Environmental Protection Standard System for Modern Oilfield Enterprises

  11. 浅谈我国铁合金行业产业政策及环保标准

    Industrial Policies and Environmental Standards on Ferroalloy Sector in China

  12. 没有与环保标准相关的责任,目标和宗旨。

    No formal accountability , goals or objectives relating to environmental performance .

  13. 提高纺织品服装质量和环保标准;

    Improve fabrics clothes quality and environmental protection standard ;

  14. 绿色壁垒的主要形式是制定各种环保标准和技术标准。

    The main form of green barriers is environmental standards and technical standards .

  15. 建设安全环保标准化工厂的实践

    Practice of establishing a safety & Environment standardized plant

  16. 金山区的环保标准怎样?

    What is the environmental protection standard in jinshan ?

  17. 符合国际环保标准。

    Conforms to the international environmental protection standard .

  18. 排放达到环保标准,能连续工作20小时以上;

    Exhaust to attain the protecting environmental standard , can continue working more than20hs .

  19. 新华社称,措施将包括环保标准和市场准入条件的严格实施。

    It said measures would include strict enforcement of environmental standards and market access .

  20. 水泥环保标准与国际接轨的技术经济分析

    Techno - economical analyses on cement environmental protection standards to catch up with international levels

  21. 国家环保标准《车内空气污染物浓度限值及测量方法》启动

    National Environmental Standards of Concentration Limits and Measuring Methods inside Cars · ls Now Starting

  22. 环保标准的修订,要求更先进的环保技术与装备。

    Revision of environmental protection standards required more advanced technology and equipment for environmental protection .

  23. 其中的左翼闻到了一只会啃食美国劳工及环保标准的跨国老鼠的气味。

    The left smells a multinational rat that would gnaw at US labour and environmental standards .

  24. 该产品符合国家和欧盟环保标准,符合国际环保要求。

    The products meet national and EU environmental standards , in line with international environmental requirements .

  25. 机械和精密零件等。符合国际环保标准。

    Mechanical and precise spare parts and so on , conforms to the international environmental protection standard .

  26. 中海油服员工始终坚持最高的健康、安全、环保标准,并专注于为客户提供一流的服务。

    COSL employees always adhere to the highest QHSE standards and commit themselves to providing high-standard services .

  27. 海上油田酸化施工对环境保护有更高的要求,残酸需进一步处理,达到海洋环保标准要求后安全排放。

    According to demand of environment protection , there are many restrictions on acidizing at offshore field .

  28. 之前,新劳动法、税率提高以及更严格的环保标准已经令出口商满腹怨言。

    The new labor law , rising tax rates and tougher environmental standards are their other grievances .

  29. 但是如果工厂建立在有更高环保标准的地区,那么更多的相关信息就能获取。

    But as plants are built in areas with tighter environmental restrictions , more information is becoming available .

  30. 尽管中国的许多城市烟尘笼罩,但北京的确在努力实施更严格的环保标准。

    Notwithstanding the smog hanging over Chinese cities , Beijing really is trying to implement stricter environmental standards .