
  • 网络Huan County;huanxian county
  1. 环县最新招商引资政策

    New Policies for Attracting Business and Investment in Huan County

  2. 环县道情皮影戏中的打击乐

    Percussion Music in Dao Qing Shadow Play of Huan County

  3. 采用GIS的方法,建立了环县数字高程模型(DEM),研究了本区地表水流方向、集流能力、子集水区的划分及水系网络空间分布等水文特征。

    By means of GIS method , the digital elevation model ( DEM ) is established , the flow direction , flow accumulation , subcatchment boundaries and stream network spatial distribution are studied .

  4. 从展示到纪录甘肃环县剖面记录的末次间冰期地磁场

    A detailed palaeomagnetic record for the last interglacial period from Huanxian loess section

  5. 小麦蚜虫天敌资源丰富,其优势天敌在甘肃环县有30余种。

    The natural enemy resources are rich in Huanxian County , Ganshu Province .

  6. 甘肃省环县水土流失现状及防治对策探讨

    Soil and water loss and prevention measures for Huanxian County in Gansu Province

  7. 气候暖干化对环县土壤贮水量的影响

    Impact of climate change to soil pondage in Huanxian

  8. 试论甘肃环县皮影色彩的选择及文化性

    Central Counties of Gansu Shadow Color Choice and Culture

  9. 甘肃环县黄土边坡破坏类型及机理研究

    Study on damage forms and mechanism of loess slope in Huanxian of Gansu Province

  10. 甘肃环县中奥陶世介形类化石

    Middle Ordovician Ostracodes from huanxian , Gansu

  11. 环县天然草原退化现状与治理对策

    The current situation of degradation and control countermeasures of native grassland in Huanxian county , China

  12. 本文重点将环县道情皮影戏中的打击乐分类,并逐一介绍其特点和作用。

    This paper describes the percussion part of the shadow play and lays out its characteristics and functions .

  13. 冬小麦新品系903412-1是环县农业局1990年从兰天7号中选出的变异单株采用系统选育而成。

    The new winter wheat line 903412-1 was selected from the Variation single plant Lantian 7 with systemic selection .

  14. 通过模拟试验研究了牧草种群生长对家畜践踏的短期响应,试验于2004年6月下旬在甘肃环县温带典型草原区进行。

    This simulation experiment was based on the short stage response of population growth of seven plant species to trampling by livestock .

  15. 本文以环县道情皮影解家戏班为个案,进行定向的田野调查和研究。

    The paper , with The Xies ' Troupes as a case , directional conducted in the field of research and investigation .

  16. 环县城乡发展不协调主要表现在经济、政治、文化和社会关系等诸多方面。

    There are so many discrepancies between urban and rural areas , mainly in the economic , political , cultural and other aspects .

  17. 有2个低值中心,一个在东乡,中心最小值为8.3℃;另一个中心环县次小值为9.2℃。

    It has two low centers : one appears at Dongxiang with the value of 8.3 ℃, the other at Huanxian with 9.2 ℃ .

  18. 西部城镇生态环境问题及对策探讨&以甘肃环县东山森林公园规划为例

    Study on ecological environment problems and countermeasures in western regions & Take planning of Dongshan Park in Huan County , Gansu Province as an example

  19. 践踏和降水对环县典型草原土壤颗粒分维特征的影响

    Integrated influence of experimental trampling and simulated precipitation on fractal dimension of soil particle size distributions in the steppes of Huanxian County in Eastern Gansu Province , China

  20. 经2001~2003年的调查鉴定,甘肃环县典型草地计有白草病害11种,其中真菌病害9种,细菌病害1种,菟丝子一种。

    Eleven diseases of Pennisetum flaccidum were identified during Huanxian County during 2001 ~ 2003 : including 9 fungal diseases , 1 bacterial disease and 1 dodder disease .

  21. 分析环县产业结构演进的总体趋势,并应用关联性分析,从城乡协调的视角对环县城乡产业关联发展进行评价。

    Analysis of the evolution of the trend of the industrial structure , then , the urban-rural industrial interactional development was evaluated according to a new view of the urban-rural coordination by urban-rural correlative analysis .

  22. 根据设计降雨量、平均径流系数和小麦生育期需水量,估算了西峰、环县和天水等代表站集水面与耕种面积之比,其值在0.5~0.8之间。

    Meanwhile , according to the dependable rainfall , mean runoff coefficient and wheat water requirement , the ratio of harvesting area to planting area is calculated for the four representative stations and the value is 0.5-0.8 .

  23. 分析表明,环县城乡发展整体呈协调趋势,城市和农村综合发展水平在稳步提升,但是目前环县城乡差距仍然非常明显。

    The results indicated that the overall trend in Huan county was the coordinated development , urban and rural integrated development index keep gradually improving , but now the discrepancies between urban and rural in Huan is very obvious .

  24. 现仍有47个戏班活跃在以甘肃庆阳环县为中心的许多乡镇,在黄土高原上形成了具有一定规模的民间演出群体。

    There are 47 troupes are still active in the Central Qingyang County , Huanxian as the center of many townships , towns , and on the formation of the Loess Plateau with a certain scale of performances groups .

  25. 环县地处甘肃东部、庆阳市西北部、陕甘宁三省交界处,为华夏农耕文化和中华民族最早发祥地之一,也是一块红色革命圣地。

    HuanXian , as the earliest Chinese farming culture and the birthplace of the Chinese nation is located in eastern Gansu , northwest of Qingyang City , Ningxia provinces and Shanxi province at the junction , which also is a Chinese revolutionary site .

  26. 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034),他开始不断向宋发动攻势,在府州(今山西府谷)、环州(今甘肃环县)、庆州(今甘肃庆阳)等地击败宋军。

    He attacked the Northern Song in the 1st year of Jingyou ( 1034 ) and defeated her forces in Fuzhou ( now Fugu in Shanxi ) , Huanzhou ( now Huanxian in Gansu ) and Qingzhou ( now Qingyang in Gansu ) .

  27. 环县道情皮影戏流行于甘肃环县及周边地区,具有浓郁的地方色彩,其打击乐形式独特、内容丰富,是不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Dao Qing shadow play of Huan County , popular in Huan County of Gansu and vicinities , is rich in local flavor , and its percussion music , an indispensable part of the shadow play , is unique in form and colorful in content .

  28. 独具环县民间艺术特色的道情皮影小戏,却以其强大的生命力在陇东的崇山峻岭、沟谷峁梁之间活跃了百余年之久,因而环县道情皮影又称陇东道情。

    However , with unique folk art characteristics and its strong vitality , the Huan County Taoism shadow plays have been animating for hundreds of years among the high mountains and the lofty hills of Longdong , which is also called " Daoqing longdong " .

  29. 西夏疆域,东临黄河,西至玉门关(今甘肃敦煌),南接萧关(今甘肃环县北),北抵大漠。

    His empire extended as far east as the Yellow River , as far west as Yumen ( west of Dunhuang , Gansu ) , as far south as Xiaoguan ( north of Huan County , Gansu ) and as far north as the Gobi desert .