
  • 网络iron plow
  1. 汉唐时期是以铁犁和牛耕为代表的传统农耕技术取得显著进步的重要阶段。

    Agricultural technology was improved greatly during the Han-Tang periods , with cattle-drafted ferrous plough as its symbol .

  2. 另外,当他们偷玉米和坚果的时候,他们会用这一特性来躲避铁犁。

    In addition , they use this trait to hide from plows , when they steal corns and nuts .

  3. 一个农夫扶持着铁犁站在畦间,在一天之内造成了这一个大破坏!

    A plowman and his great plow , now standing idle in the furrow , had in a day wrought a terrible havoc .

  4. 农业生产工具与耕作技术有较大的进步,普遍使用铁犁与牛耕;

    The agriculture tool of production has the bigger advance in the farming technique , and universally using the indisputable farm cattle to plough .

  5. 神也能给我们像铁那般的意志,所有的难处都能迎刃而解,犹如坚土遇到铁犁那样松散。

    When God gives us wills like iron , we can drive through difficulties as the iron share cuts through the toughest soil . " I will make thee ," and shall He not do it ?