
  1. 铁凝小说的家庭伦理关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Tie Ning Novels ' Family Ethic

  2. 铁凝是中国当代著名的女作家。

    Tie Ning is a well-known writer of modern China .

  3. 第一部分从童年经验和救赎人类的赤子之心切入,分析了铁凝小说中儿童视角的产生机制。

    The first part is the occurrence mechanism of children 's perspective .

  4. 花木兰似的写作立场&铁凝小说女性意识觉醒的意义

    The significance of women 's consciousness awakening in Tie Ning 's novels

  5. 在分裂中构建自我&解读铁凝的《大浴女》

    Reconstructing Ego in Split & Explaining Tie Ning s Big Bathing Daughter ;

  6. 论铁凝小说的语言风格

    On the Language Style of Tie Ning ' Novels

  7. 铁凝研究具有非常重要的价值。

    In Tie Ning study exists very magnificent values .

  8. 对人性的不懈追问&铁凝小说创作谈

    An Unremitting Exploration on Human Nature - On Tie Ning 's Fiction Creation

  9. 穿越时空的理性关照&论铁凝独特的历史叙述

    Rational Caring Through Times & On the Unique Historical Narration of Tie Ning

  10. 女性生存的困境及可能性&关于铁凝《玫瑰门》的阅读

    Jams and Chances on Women 's Survival & On " the Gate of Rose "

  11. 铁凝近期小说论

    On Tie Ning 's recent novels

  12. 对本真自我的追寻和反思构成铁凝创作的一个重要主题;

    An important theme of Tie Ning 's writing is to pursue and introspect pure selfhood .

  13. 为捍卫人类精神的高贵而写作&铁凝艺术人格描述

    Writing to safeguard the nobility of the human spirit & On TIE Ning 's artistic personality

  14. 铁凝的长篇小说《大浴女》热销全国,其原因在于作品自身的艺术魅力。

    The Bath Woman Written by Tie Ning is a very popular long novel in China .

  15. 对人性真相的揭示与还原张爱玲作品意义再探透视生命的真相铁凝20世纪90年代小说中的人性探索

    To Reveal and Revert the Truth of Human Nature & Reinquiry into the Significance of Zhang Ailings Novels

  16. 论文在简要勾勒了中国现代文学中的儿童视角的基础上,分三个部分深入论述了铁凝小说中儿童视角的一系列问题。

    The thesis outlines the children 's perspective of modern Chinese literature . The thesis contains three parts .

  17. 铁凝近作中的女性形象&读《玫瑰门》和《永远有多远》

    A feminine image in Tie Ning s latest works & Rosy Door and How Far Is Forever ;

  18. 玫瑰门里看身体&从《玫瑰门》看铁凝身体写作的意义

    Body through the " Rose Gate " & The Significance of TIE Ning 's Body-writing in Rose Gate

  19. 在关系中呈现人性的复杂性&铁凝小说中的父女关系

    To explore the truth of human nature through human relations & The father-daughter relationship in Tie Ning 's novels

  20. 20世纪80年代以来精神分析在女性文学中复归并取得了辉煌的成绩,王安忆、铁凝、残雪和陈染等女性作家在性别意识觉醒的同时,把精神分析作为自己最为契合的理论资源。

    The 1980s saw the return of psychoanalysis to Chinese female literature and great achievements made the female writers .

  21. 铁凝以生命的激情书写乡村人生,反映她理想中的乡村生活。

    Tie writes rural life with her passion of the life and reflects the rural life in her ideal .

  22. 《玫瑰门》是铁凝创作的一部真正具有女性觉醒意识的长篇力作。

    The Rose Door is one of Tie Ning 's masterpiece novels , which reflect the feminist awakening consciousness .

  23. 它不仅构成了铁凝小说的主题内涵,也决定了其叙事策略的选择。

    Not only does it constitute the connotation of her subject , but also determines her choice about narrative devices .

  24. 女性在实现性自主之后&铁凝《棉花垛》、《玫瑰门》解读

    After Womens Realization of Gender Independence & Unscrambling of Tie Nings " Cotton Pile " and " Rosy Gate "

  25. 论文的第一部分主要论述铁凝小说对人性异化问题的个体化发现及意义。

    The first section mainly deals with her novels ' personal finding on humanity alienation and the sense of it .

  26. 清纯世界与世俗人生的较量&铁凝小说创作心路历程

    The Comparison between the Pure World and the Conventional Life & Ning Xin 's Mental Process in her Novel Creation

  27. 小说写作运用方言词语的原则论析&以铁凝的《笨花》为例

    On Principle of Dialect Using in the Novel Writing : Taking Tie Ning ' Novel Stupid Flower as an Example

  28. 小乡村大历史&铁凝长篇小说《笨花》解读

    A Small village , A Long history & An Analysis on the Novel of " Ben Hua " by Tie Ning

  29. 女性生命欲望的书写&论王安忆、铁凝笔下的女性

    The Writing of Female 's Desire for Life & The comment on the female written by Wang Anyi and Tie Ning

  30. 审丑:人性与历史之思&论铁凝小说的审丑意识

    Appreciation of Uglinessy : Think about Humanity and History & to the conciousness of ugly appreciating of Tie Ning 's novels