
  • 网络Zhao Zhongxiang;blog
  1. 一种声音系统的权力实践&从赵忠祥、倪萍、李咏谈起

    The Power Practice of a Vocal System & Beginning with Zhao Zhongxiang , Ni Ping and Li Yong

  2. 赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。

    Comrade Zhao Zhongxiang was a well-known TV programme moderator , particularly noted for being a quiz master .

  3. 为赵忠祥、杨澜、崔永元等电视台的名人祷告。愿他们能认识基督,并在娱乐界为主发光。

    Pray for leading TV personalities like Zhao Zhongxiang , Yang Lan , and Cui Yongyuan to come to know Christ and shine for Him in the world of popular entertainment .