
  1. 南京男孩赵成,是90后的典型代表。

    Zhao Cheng is a typical member of the post-90s generation .

  2. 然而,随后赵成将自己的嗜好变为一项收益颇丰的职业,所有人不得不对他刮目相看。

    And then Zhao amazed them by turning his hobby into a * profitable career .

  3. 而赵成婉拒了很多广告商的请求,选择每天只转发两个广告。

    However , Zhao has turned down many offers and only forwards two ads per day .

  4. 为了能够在第一时间捕捉到最炙手可热的话题,赵成不得不将自己的全部业余时间花在网络冲浪上。

    In order to hunt for the most up-to-date , hot topics online , Zhao has to spend almost all of his spare time surfing the Internet .