
  1. 与之类似,目前在美国工作的中国学者赵勇(音译)发现,PISA成绩与一项有关企业家抱负的全球调查结果之间存在负相关。

    Similarly , the US-based Chinese academic Yong Zhao found a negative correlation between Pisa scores and a global survey of entrepreneurial aspirations .

  2. 堪萨斯大学教育学院教授赵勇表示,没有必要对中国的分数反应过度,因为他认为PISA不能“衡量任何教育系统的整体教育水平”。

    Yong Zhao , a professor at the University of Kansas ' school of education , said that there is no reason to overreact to China 's scores , because he doesn 't believe the PISA " measures the totality of the quality of education of any education system . "

  3. 赵勇一年:回归主流

    A Year of Zhao Yong : The Return to The Mainstream

  4. 赵勇是一个小贩。

    Zhao Yong was a peddler .

  5. 密歇根州立大学教育专家赵勇称,罪魁祸首是很明确的。

    The culprit is clear , says Zhao Yong , an education specialist at Michigan State University .

  6. 赵勇醒悟到他的生计,是以许多无辜螃蟹的痛苦为代价的,深感愧疚。

    Zhao Yong was sorry that he had earned his livelihood at the cost of so much suffering for those innocent crabs .

  7. 赵勇说,参加测试的省份变多就可能会造成分数下降,但又有可能存在其他影响因素。

    He said that adding more provinces to the test might have caused the dip , but that there could have been other contributing factors .