
  1. 传说赵奢临终之时嘱咐他的妻子千万不要让赵括带兵打仗。

    Legend has it that on his deathbed , Zhao She told his wife never to let Zhao Kuo command an army .

  2. 国君一听,立刻弃用廉颇,命赵国另一名将赵奢的儿子,赵括出征。

    The king , upon hearing this , immediately decided to remove Lian Po and replace him with Zhao Kuo , the son of another famous Zhao general , Zhao She .

  3. 所以赵奢的妻子一听说赵括被任命为统帅就和另一位官员蔺相如一起来到赵国国君的面前,想要劝说他不要让赵括领兵。

    So Zhao She 's wife , after hearing of Zhao Kuo ; s appointment as general , went up to the King of Zhao and tried to persuade him not to let Zhao Kuo command an army , along with the minister , Lin Xiangru .