
  • 网络Zhao;the state of zhao;the zhao kingdom
  1. 吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈

    The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao .

  2. 解读赵国成语典故的文化内涵

    Interpretation about the Cultural Connotation of the Idioms from Zhao State

  3. 大臣庞恭接受了魏王的任命陪太子到赵国都城邯郸去做人质。

    Minister Pang1 Gong accepted the appointment of the king of the state of Wei and accompanied the prince to Han Dan to be the hostage .

  4. 他到赵国的京城邯郸做生意。

    He is doing business in handan , capital of zhao .

  5. 赵国名将李牧及其军事思想

    Famous militarist Li Mu of Zhao and his military idea

  6. 赵国军队被一举击败。

    The troops of Zhao were routed .

  7. 王于期是赵国有名的驾车能手。

    Wang Yuqi was a well-known expert in driving carriages in the State of Zhao .

  8. 秦军主将白起,领兵乘胜追击,包围了赵国都城邯郸。

    Qin 's troops laid siege to Handan , the capital of the State of Zhao .

  9. 定陶之战后,章邯移师北上,攻打赵国。

    After the success , Zhang Han led his troops northward to attack the state of Zhao .

  10. 赵国的平原君打算亲自到楚国去请救兵。

    Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance .

  11. 你有没有听过,有一位来自燕国寿陵的少年,他特地到赵国邯郸去学跑马拉松。

    Have you heard a young man from Shouling , the State of Yan ? He went to Handan for learning marathon .

  12. 按照当时的惯例,魏王必须把太子送到赵国作为人质。

    As was usual at the time , the king of Wei had to send his son to Zhao as a hostage .

  13. 这种策略总体上是成功的,使得代地为赵国成为军事强国发挥了重要作用。

    In general , this strategy is successful , which enabled Dai area played an important role for Zhao becoming a military power .

  14. 战国时期,赵国有位名士叫公孙龙。

    Gong sun Long , is a famous scholar lived in the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period ( 475-221BC ) .

  15. 他们向韩国和赵国派遣间谍,散布廉颇是懦夫以及廉颇太老不能再打仗的传言。

    They sent spies to the state of Zhao and Han , ordering them to spread the word that Lian Po was cowardly and was too old to fight battles .

  16. 赵国改革开放精神的直接动力是由于晋国社会改革的惯性,并且是迫于与周围各国战争的需要。

    The direct motive in the reform and opening spirit in Zao Kingdom came from the traditional social reform by Jin Kingdom , to meet the needs of wars with surrounding states .

  17. 赵国的北部,燕国寿陵的一位少年听到这个消息,就从很远的家乡来到邯郸,学习邯郸人走路的姿势。

    North of Zhao , in the state of Yan a young man in ShouLing happened to hear the news and from his remote home town went to HanDan to study the posture of the people living there .

  18. 战国时代,赵国的大臣蔺相如出使到秦国。

    In the Warring States Period , Lin Xiangru , chief min-ister of the State of Zhao , was sent as an envoy to the State of Qin to ask the ruler of Qin to return a fine piece of jade to Zhao .

  19. 吕不韦就是一个最好的例子。他凭借自己特殊的教育背景帮助流亡在赵国的秦国公子异人成为太子,后又成为秦王,而吕不韦一一一个备受歧视的商人最终成为秦的相国。

    The best example is the case of Lu Buwei , a wealthy merchant with an exceptional education background who helped to promote Prince Yiren of Qin who was exiled in Zhao to become heir apparent and later king of the state . Lu Buwei , member of the despised class of merchants , became chancellor of Qin .

  20. 随着手工业的发展,出现了一些私营大手工业主,如鲁国煮盐的猗顿,秦国巴地开采丹砂的寡妇清,冶铁业如魏国的孔家、卓家和赵国的郭纵等。

    With the development of handicraft industry , private entrepreneurs in some businesses were a-ble to acquire wealth and finances , like the salt producer Yi Dun of Lu , Widow Qing in the state of Qin owned mines producing cinnabar , ironworks of the families Kong and Zhou in Wei , and Guo Zong in the State of Zhao .