
  1. 各个发展中国家都把促进工业的发展和实现工业化作为富国强民的奋斗目标。

    Industrialization is the aim of all of the developing countries , including China .

  2. 富国强民是国家发展的根本,发展教育是富国强民的基础。

    It is the root of development to make the country rich and people strong , which is based on developing education .

  3. 大学生创新能力的培养和提高是富国强民的战略需要,也是当前高等教育改革和创新的核心内容。

    Development of improvement of college students'innovative ability is strategic need of wealthy and powerful people , as well as the core content of reform and innovation of current higher education .

  4. 一个多世纪以来,为了振兴中华、富国强民,近代先进的中国人不断提出相应的口号、发展战略和理论。

    In order to renew and enrich China and build up the people , the pioneering Chinese people have been putting forward lots of corresponding slogans , developing strategies and theories since the last century .

  5. 北学派思想,顾名思义就是北学中国、富国强民之思想,是朝鲜实学思想史的一个重要阶段。

    Northern School of thought , as its name implies is the Northern school of China , rich people strong ideology , it is thought the North Korea is an important stage in the history .

  6. 今天,在弘扬民族优秀文化传统和发展经济、富国强民之际,整理和研究墨家的管理心理思想,并把它融合到现代管理中去,有着重要的现实意义。

    During developing the excellent national tradition , accelerating economy , strengthening our country , we filing and analyzing the Mohism management psychological theory and exerting it into the modernized management psychology is essential and profound significance .

  7. 面对全球化冲击,我国历代人都做出了艰苦卓绝的探索,提出各种富国强民之路,然而效果却不尽如人意。

    Faced with the impact of globalization , Chinese people in different historical periods have made arduous explorations , putting forward various ways to make the country wealthy and people strong , but the effect is not satisfactory .

  8. 众所周知,大学生群体是个特殊的社会群体,一方面充当着国家生力军角色,肩负着富国强民的伟大使命;一方面还处在高校教育的培训期。

    As we all know , college students group is a special social groups , on the one hand to act as the role of the state force and shoulder the great mission of wealthy and powerful ; the one hand , higher education is still in the training period .