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fù shù
  • rich and populous;be rich and populous
富庶 [fù shù]
  • [be rich and populous] 物产丰富,人口众多

富庶[fù shù]
  1. 洞庭湖区是富庶的鱼米之乡,周围地区自然资源丰富。

    The Dongting Lake district is rich and populous " the land of plenty ", natural resources of its surrounding areas are rich .

  2. 宁夏绿洲位于我国宁夏回族自治区境内,九曲黄河从中部进入宁夏,给绿洲带来了丰富的水源,使其成为宁夏最富庶的地区,素有天下黄河富宁夏之说。

    The Yellow River cuts through Ningxia , bringing abundant water resources to the oasis . Then the oasis becomes the most rich and populous region of Ningxia .

  3. 富庶的工业国家播下了全球变暖的种子。

    Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming .

  4. 她生于富庶之家。

    She was born with a silver spoon .

  5. 2008年经融危机之后,很多人开始寻找比GDP更有效的方式来评价一个国家的富庶程度。

    In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash , many began to look for better methods of measuring a country 's well-being than GDP .

  6. 1969年,菲利普斯石油公司(PhillipsPetroleum)在北海(NorthSea)的埃科菲斯克油田(EkofiskField)发现了大量的石油和天然气;此后,这一地区变成了欧洲大陆最富庶的地区之一。

    In the decades since 1969 , when Phillips Petroleum discovered vast oil and gas reserves in the North Sea 's Ekofisk field , those same regions have become some of the continent 's richest .

  7. 从我无意中听到的一些谈话片断可以推断,他们在这里达成了交易,敲定了收购——就像维斯特洛南部富庶的首都君临城(King'sLanding)中诡计多端的廷臣的现代版。

    From snatches of conversation I overhear , deals are done here , and takeovers hatched - a modern take on the scheming courtiers of King 's Landing , the affluent , southern capital of Westeros .

  8. 意大利时尚界以家族传承居多,但与缪西娅·普拉达(MiucciaPrada)、多娜泰拉·范思哲(DonatellaVersace)和安吉拉·米索尼(AngelaMissoni)不同,相遇于80年代初的多尔奇和加班纳并非出身富庶的家庭。

    Italian fashion is largely a dynastic industry , but unlike Miuccia Prada , Donatella Versace or Angela Missoni , Mr. Dolce and Mr. Gabbana , who met in the early 1980s , do not come from money .

  9. 汤姆·布罗考[原NBC新闻主播]:“如果有人前来冒犯,我们不会逆来顺受,这不是我们的性格。”英国人为此关闭了波士顿港,这个美洲最繁忙和富庶的港口之一。

    When someone comes along and smacks us , we don 't turn the other cheek . That 's not who we are . Move it ! The British respond by shutting down Boston Harbor , one of America 's busiest , wealthiest ports . Come on , lad .

  10. 并封之富庶之地商鞅。

    And the closure of the rich land of Shang Yang .

  11. 所有较富庶的国家都位于这个危险地带之外。

    All the richer countries lie outside this danger zone .

  12. 莱茵区是一个富庶地区,生产粮食和葡萄酒。

    The Rhineland is a rich country and produces food and wine .

  13. 吴江师范为富庶乡村办学理念的沿革与启示

    " For-Well-Off-Village " Schooling Belief , Practice and Revelation of Wujiang Normal School

  14. 虽然富庶与长寿同时降临,但这两者却不能被等同对待。

    While prosperity and longevity arrive together , they cannot be treated the same .

  15. 余姚地处美丽富庶的长江三角洲南翼,位于工商经济发达的宁绍平原中心。

    Yuyao , in the heart of Ningbo-Shaoxing Plain with advanced commerce and economy .

  16. 富庶的江南地区,稻米是生活中不可缺少的部分。

    In the abundant Jiangnan , rice is an indispensable part of life here .

  17. 宪兵骑士维护费用高昂,只有富庶国家方有财力成军。

    Expensive to maintain , though , only the wealthiest states can afford them .

  18. 上海这个有2500万居民、无比富庶的大都市被视为典范。

    Shanghai is considered a model , a spectacularly rich metropolis of 25 million residents .

  19. 广泛阅读教导人生之富庶、复杂和神秘。

    What wide reading teaches is the richness , the complexity , the mystery of life .

  20. 他把吉隆坡比作“伊斯兰世界的布伦特伍德”——后者是洛杉矶一块富庶的城中城。

    He likened Kuala Lumpur to " Islamic Brentwood , " the wealthy Los Angeles enclave .

  21. 富庶世界极有可能要面临一个更长更弱的发展时期和持续的价格上升压力。

    The rich world could easily face a prolonged period of weaker growth and persistent price pressure .

  22. 但巨石城墙造价昂贵,只有富庶城邑或名城大邑方有财力修建。

    Because of the expense , these walls are usually only built around rich or prestigious towns .

  23. 他出生在江苏江阴一个有名的富庶之家。

    He was born in Jiangyin city , Jiangsu province , a prosperous family of the famous .

  24. 经济富庶程度是人物产生和发展的基础。

    Fourthly , the development degree of economy is the foundation of personages ' developing and improving .

  25. 我知道他们不太富裕,富庶人家可不会这么费劲。

    They ain 't rich folk , that I know . Rich folk don 't try so hard .

  26. 在美国这样富庶的国家里人们可以接受的经济平等标准是什么?

    What is an acceptable level of economic inequality in a nation as affluent as the United States ?

  27. 最后,在这象征着活力和富庶的兔年,在这春天即将来临的时刻,我衷心地祝中英两国繁荣昌盛!

    The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity . I wish China and Britain continued prosperity .

  28. 画像石大多集中在经济富庶,文化发达、附近石料充足的地区。

    Most of the stone relief have been found in economically and culturally developed areas with plentiful stone materials .

  29. 他愿战争继续,让战争将南方富庶的庄主250年来搜括的民脂民膏全部带走;

    He may have it continue until the riches earned from two hundred fifty years of slavery are gone .

  30. 德国是一个古老、富庶、人口呈下滑趋势的欧洲国家,这与“金砖国家”截然相反。

    Germany is a very old and rich European country with a declining population the total opposite of a BRIC .