
  • 网络Forter;Rutherford;Fuld;Richard Fuld;Dick Fuld
  1. 财新报道称,除了安邦以外,包括建信人寿(CCBLife)和富德生命人寿(FundeSinoLifeInsurance)在内的保险公司也在最近几周减少了通过银行代售的短期产品。

    Beyond Anbang , insurers including CCB Life and Funde Sino Life have also reduced their sales of short-term products through banks in recent weeks , Caixin reported .

  2. “最密切联系原则”是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

    " The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .

  3. 建信人寿和富德生命人寿没有回应记者的置评请求。

    CCB Life and Funde Sino did not answer calls seeking comment .

  4. 里奥希望尽快归队里奥-费迪南德在曼联对沃特富德的足总杯半决赛因伤下场,他将会缺席周二曼联在联赛中对阵谢菲尔德脸队的比赛。

    Ferdinand aggravated a groin injury that he picked up against AS Roma last week , but the defender hopes he will not be out for long .