
  • 网络Kashgar
  1. 摄影师游莉的网站更新了她最新的喀什噶尔系列。

    Photographer You Li updated her website with new series Kashgar .

  2. 叶尔羌河、喀什噶尔河流域绿洲环境变化及环境治理

    The Change and Administration of the Ecological Environment in the Oasis of Yarkant and Kaxgar River Basin

  3. 喀什噶尔老城

    Old City of Kashi

  4. 近50年来喀什噶尔河流域气温、降水及径流的变化趋势

    Change Trends of Temperature , Precipitation and Runoff Volume in the Kaxgar River Basin since Recent 50 years

  5. 喀什噶尔河年径流量(3站合计)近47年来呈显著的线性上升趋势,以3.0%。

    The total annual runoff volume at 3 hydrological stations in the Kaxgar River Basin has been in a significant linear increase trend since recent 47 years , and the decennary increase rate is 3.0 % .