
  • 网络harqin;harkin;harchin
  1. 喀喇沁旗亲王府位于锡伯河上游的王爷府镇,依山傍水,气势恢宏,殿宇森严,布局精巧,建筑壮观,结构严谨,是典型的清代建筑群。

    Harqin Palace lies in the town of Wang Ye Fu at the upper reaches of Xibe River , which is magnificent and well-structured with mountains and rivers around , guarded temples , sophisticated layout and spectacular architecture .

  2. 第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。

    Second , It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives .

  3. 第三部分主要对蒙文档案所反映的清乾隆时期喀喇沁右旗苏木数及苏木徭役进行了比较研究。

    Third part is about thecontrastive study of Su-Mu and corvee of Su-Mu written by these archives .

  4. 第二部分对清乾隆时期喀喇沁右翼札萨克衙门蒙文档案所反映的人口和土地问题进行专题研究。

    Two part is about the monographic study to population and land problem of Kharatsin Right County written by Monglian Archives of Kharatsin Right County .

  5. 在内蒙古东部喀喇沁地区早中生代大营子闪长岩中首次发现基性麻粒岩捕虏体。

    The mafic granulite xenolith was first reported to have occurred in Early Mesozoic diorite in Harkin region , Eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , China .

  6. 从该区长期的热演化历史以及同构造的岩浆活动来看,可以认为喀喇沁变质核杂岩是地幔热隆及岩浆侵入引起地壳伸展的典型实例。

    In light of long run thermal evolution of the concerned area , the Harkin metamorphic core complex can be considered as a typical example of crust extension caused by thermal upwelling of mantle and intrusion of magma .