
  • 网络Kashgar;kashgar city;Kashi
  1. 喀什市空气总悬浮颗粒物的污染及其防治对策

    Pollution and Preventive Measures of Total Suspended Particulates in Kashgar City

  2. 对促进喀什市商贸流通业发展的思考

    On the Strategy of Accelerating the Development of Kashgar Commercial Circulation Industry

  3. 喀什市地下水系统确定&随机耦合模拟模型

    The Determinate-Random Hybrid Modeling Model for Groundwater System of Kashi City

  4. 喀什市现代城市景观中的装饰艺术研究

    Research on the Modern Cityscape 's Decorative Arts in Kashi

  5. 喀什市地下水系统随机经济管理模型研究

    Study of random economic management model for groundwater system in Kashi City

  6. 喀什市猪牛羊戊型肝炎病毒感染情况的调查

    An investigation on hepatitis E virus infection status of livestock in Kashi area

  7. 2004~2008年喀什市性传播疾病疫情特征分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Characteristics of Sexually Transmitted Disease in Kashi City from 2004 to 2008

  8. 喀什市新农村建设中土地利用模式研究

    The Pattern of Land Resources in the Process of New Countryside Building in the City of Kashgar

  9. 城市发展背景下的文化景观规划设计&以喀什市为例

    Planning and Design of Cultural Landscape in the Context of Urban Development & With Kashi City as an Example

  10. 最后,就如何提高喀什市中学音乐素质教育提出了自己的观点。

    Finally , on how to improve the quality of secondary education in music put forward their own point of view .

  11. 这些外国记者参观了喀什市一家职业技能教育培训中心,喀什曾饱受恐怖主义困扰。

    A vocational education and training center situated in the city of Kashgar , once heavily plagued by terrorism , was visited .

  12. 综合勘探在喀什市人防地道勘察中的应用勘探人员披荆斩棘开辟道路。

    An Application of Integrated Exploring to Surveying Underground Tunnels for Peoples Air Defences The explorers hacked at the undergrowth to make a path .

  13. 加大资源优势转化力度&喀什市赢得跨越式发展战略战术浅析

    Deepening the transformation of the superiority in resources An approach to the strategy tactics for the city of Kashi to adopt in the cross over development

  14. 最后,对喀什市现代城市景观中的装饰艺术营造的形式与方法进行探讨,并对未来喀什城市景观中的装饰艺术做前瞻性规划和展望。

    Finally , this paper probes into the forms and methods of the decorative arts creation in Kashi and make a prospective planning and vision of it .

  15. 喀什市各型流感抗体阳性率均高于伊宁市,且高年龄组抗体阳性率要高于低年龄组。

    The positive rates of antibodies in Kashi City was higher than in Yining City , and the positive in the high age groups rate were higher than in the low age groups .

  16. 以喀什市巴扎为例,探讨了喀什巴扎的形成与发展、喀什巴扎非物质文化空间资源、保护存在的问题及对策建议。

    Take Kashgar bazaar as an example , it aims to explore the formation and development of Kashgar bazaar , the resources of Kashgar bazaar , and provides suggestions to the existing problems .

  17. 脆弱的生态环境以及人类不合理的开荒等的影响下喀什市的大气环境受到了总悬浮颗粒物和降尘的严重污染,大气污染成为制约喀什市发展的因素之一。

    The atmospheric environment of Kashgar City is received the pollution of total suspended particulates ( TSP ) and falling dust by fragile ecological environment and unreasonable human activities . The air pollution becomes one of the restricting factor in the development of Kashgar City .

  18. 系统地介绍了工程经济分析的理论和方法,以喀什市地下水系统规划为例,探讨了工程经济分析在地下水系统规划中的应用。

    The basic theory and method of engineering economic analysis are systematically introduced . The application of engineering economic analysis in the programming research of groundwater systems is studied by taking research of the groundwater system in Kashi City , Xinjiang Autonomous region as an example .

  19. 去年,两人到新疆喀什葛尔市旅游,刘飞的朋友告诉他一个当地人家里收藏了一颗巨型陨石。

    Last year , when they traveled to Kashgar , a friend of Liu told him that a native person collector owns a huge " meteorite . "

  20. 注:排序资料不包括喀什地区各县(市)。

    Note : Data ranked excludes counties ( cities ) under Kashgar prefecture .