
  • 网络kanas lake;Lake Kanas
  1. 哎呀,我对喀纳斯湖可是充满期待。

    Oh , I am full of expectations of Kanas Lake .

  2. 喀纳斯湖的湖水为什么会变色呢?

    Why does the color of the Kanas Lake water change ?

  3. 你以为看完了喀纳斯湖就完事了?

    You thought it 's all over after seeing the lake ?

  4. 让我们去寻访神秘的喀纳斯湖吧。

    Let 's take a trip to the mysterious Kanas Lake .

  5. 喀纳斯湖国家自然保护区生态旅游开发探讨

    The Discussion on Ecotourism Exploitation of National Nature Reserve in Kanas

  6. 喀纳斯湖景区生态旅游营销战略探讨

    The Strategic Discussion of Marketing on Eco-tourism in Kanas Lake

  7. 那就是号称喀纳斯湖第一桥的木桥。

    That 's the first wooden bridge in the Kanas Lake area .

  8. 这就是喀纳斯湖的神秘之处。

    That 's what is so mysterious about Lake Kanas .

  9. 不过我想这可能就是喀纳斯湖的神秘之处吧。

    But I believe this is just the mysterious part of Kanas Lake .

  10. 这里是喀纳斯湖的上游。

    This is the upstream part of the lake .

  11. 你看,在阳光的照射下,喀纳斯湖的湖水流光异彩。

    Under the sunshine , the water of Kanas Lake is resplendent with colors .

  12. 喀纳斯湖最明显的一个神秘特征。

    Kanas Lake 's most salient features .

  13. 明天我们就会到达喀纳斯湖。

    We 'll reach Kanas Lake tomorrow .

  14. 天山天池与喀纳斯湖测区空气微生物含量的测定与比较

    Determination of and Comparison Between Air-borne Microbial Contents Over Heavenly Pond and Kanas Lake in Xinjiang

  15. 某天下午在喀纳斯湖,数十名游客登上白色快艇观光。

    At the lake , dozens of visitors boarded white speedboats one afternoon for a tour .

  16. 我现在马上要为您揭晓喀纳斯湖最明显的一个神秘特征。

    Now I 'm going to tell you one of Kanas Lake 's most salient features .

  17. 喀纳斯湖位于新疆阿勒泰地区布尔津县。

    The breathtaking landscape is located in Burerjin County of Aletai area in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  18. 哎,从另一个角度讲啊,这就更增加了喀纳斯湖的神秘魅力。

    But if considered from a different angle , this just adds to the charm of this mysterious lake .

  19. 我明白了,这里就是喀纳斯湖的标志景点之一月亮湾了。

    Now I understand this is one of Kanas Lake 's scenic spots , Yueliang ( Moon ) Lake .

  20. 新疆的喀纳斯湖部分终于更新了,可以找找有没有水怪了!

    The KML file has been updated , so you can see the location of all of the fresh imagery .

  21. 我和大牛跋山涉水终于来到了美丽的喀纳斯湖。

    After crossing over mountains and wading through rivers , Daniel and I have finally arrived at the beautiful Kanas Lake .

  22. 喀纳斯湖地区的摄影师孙京川说,这只能怪少数维吾尔族人。

    Mr. Sun , the photographer in the Kanas Lake area , said only a handful of Uighurs were to blame .

  23. 旅游地生命周期理论与旅游产品开发初探&以新疆喀纳斯湖为例

    Preliminary study on tourism destination life cycle theory and tourism production development & taking the Kanas lake , xinjiang as an example

  24. 日出日落时分,柔和的光线照耀着喀纳斯湖,十分悦目。

    Sunrise and sunset hours when the soft light is shining on the Kanas Lake is really a comfortable eye-feast for visitors .

  25. 本文从地质构造、岩石结构、地貌、湖底形态及室内沉积物分析资料几个方面论证了喀纳斯湖的成因。

    This article proves the genesis of Kanasi Lake from the respects of geologic structure , landforms , formation of lake bottom and analysis material of sediments in laboratory .

  26. 中国喀纳斯湖——在这个偏远的高山公园,两名摄影爱好者站在一座小山上,俯瞰着波光粼粼的河流,等着游牧民走出他们白色的圆顶帐篷,赶着牛群过桥。

    KANAS LAKE , China - The two amateur photographers stood on a hill overlooking the sparkling river in this remote alpine park , waiting for nomads to emerge from their white yurts and herd cows across a bridge .

  27. 中国喀纳斯湖&在这个偏远的高山公园,两名摄影爱好者站在一座小山上,俯瞰着波光粼粼的河流,等着游牧民走出他们白色的圆顶帐篷,赶着牛群过桥。

    KANAS LAKE , China & The two amateur photographers stood on a hill overlooking the sparkling river in this remote alpine park , waiting for nomads to emerge from their white yurts and herd cows across a bridge .

  28. 近年来,随着喀纳斯湖越来越受游客欢迎——部分是因为湖水里有个类似尼斯湖水怪的怪物传说——人们开始在公园及其附近兴建酒店。

    As Kanas Lake has become more popular with tourists in recent years - in part because of the legend of a Lochness-style monster that lurks in the waters - hotel construction has boomed in the park and on its periphery .

  29. 都到喀纳斯河河岸了,肯定离喀纳斯湖不远。

    Since we have already reached the Kanas River , we must be not far from Kanas Lake .

  30. 本文概述了新疆喀纳斯的资源特点,通过对其旅游地生命周期的阶段分析,总结出了处于发展阶段的喀纳斯湖所面临的生态环境容量问题。

    This paper summarizes the resource characteristics of Kanas Lake in Xinjiang , indicates the problems of the ecological environment capacity faced by the developing Kanas Lake .