
  1. 上述局部地区会伴有雷雨大风或冰雹的强对流的天气。

    In addition , some area of the above places may meet strong wind , thunder or hails .

  2. 雷雨大风、冰雹、雷击等局地强对流天气发生频繁。

    The locally strong convective weather such as thunder rain and heavy wind as well as hailstone and lightning strike occurred frequently .

  3. 暴雨过程中的干层与其它强天气(雷雨大风、冰雹)过程中的干层有明显不同;

    Additionally , the dry layer formed in heavy rainfall was clearly different from that of the other severe convection weathers ( such as severe storm and hail ) .

  4. 这次过程回波发展高度不高,特别是回波强中心高度不高,没有出现雷雨大风和冰雹天气,强对流只以打雷和强降水表现;

    Because the height of radar echo was not high enough , especially the height of the strong radar-echo center , in the process there appeared no thunderstorm , strong wind or hail weather , and the strong convection only resulted in thunders and severe rainfall .