
  • 网络infrared device;infrared equipment;Built-in infrared device
  1. 选择要接收文件的红外设备。

    Choose the infrared device you want to receive files .

  2. 请选择要安装红外设备的端口。

    Select the port you want to install the infrared device on .

  3. 现代航空母舰用新型红外设备反舰导弹攻击航空母舰毁伤概率结构模型

    Study on the Structure Model of the Probability of Damage To Aircraft Cartier by Anti-ship Missile

  4. 支持安装在这台计算机上的红外设备并且检测在有效范围内的其它红外设备。

    Supports infrared devices installed on the computer and detects other devices that are in range .

  5. 雾对于各类军用红外设备性能的发挥,对于民用交通的安全与效率,都有着重大的影响。

    Fog has great effect on the capability of military infrared device and on the safety and efficiency of civil traffic .

  6. 若要隐藏“无线链接”任务栏图标,请单击清除在任务栏上显示一个图标表示红外设备活动复选框。

    To hide the wireless link taskbar icon , Click to clear the display an icon on the taskbar indicating infrared activity check box .

  7. 若要使您的计算机能够接收文件,请单击选中允许其它红外设备使用红外通讯将文件发送到这台计算机复选框。

    To enable your computer to receive files , Click to select the allow others to send files to your computer using infrared communications check box .

  8. 随着科学技术的发展,红外设备和红外技术得到了越来越广泛的应用,红外图像的处理与识别随之也扮演越来越重要的角色。

    With the development of modern science , infrared related techniques have been extensively used and infrared image processing and recognition also play a more and more important role .

  9. 本公司采用的德国博世(BOSCH)数字红外同传设备是目前世界上最先进,设备使用率最高的同声传译系统。

    Our company adopted the German Bosch ( BOSCH ) digital infrared simultaneous interpretation equipment is the world 's most advanced , highest utilization rate simultaneous interpretation system .

  10. 举例介绍了高红外固化设备的优势。

    The advantages of the ultra infrared curing equipment are given .

  11. 雷达与红外探测设备组网中航迹滤波算法研究

    Study on Track Filtering for Netted Radar and Infrared Detector

  12. 对红外成像设备扫描周期测算方法的仿真分析

    Emulating Analysis of Calculating Methodology for Scanning Period of Infrared Imaging Instrument

  13. 便携式非制冷红外成像设备的设计

    Design of a portable uncooled infrared imaging device

  14. 红外测量设备的噪声分析

    Noise Analysis on Infrared Ray Measuring Equipment

  15. 红外成像设备具有隐蔽性好,探测能力强,作用距离远等优点。

    Infrared imaging system is good at concealment , has strong detection ability and long distance detection advantage .

  16. 这对红外测量设备的研制和使用具有理论参考价值和实用意义。

    This study has theoretical and practical value to the development and the use of infrared ray measuring equipments .

  17. 红外成像设备具有抗干扰能力强,气候环境适应性强,昼夜连续被动探测等优点。

    Infrared imaging equipment with anti-interference capability , the climate and environment adaptability , day and night continuous passive detection advantages .

  18. 并对红外探测设备进行了模态分析[5],获得设备固有频率及振型,考核系统的动态刚度。

    Modal analysis of the infrared detection equipment has done to obtain the natural frequencies and mode shapes and get the dynamic stiffness of the system .

  19. 与传统的漆膜固化设备相比,高红外固化设备具有固化效率高、占地面积小、节能、设备造价低等特点。

    Compared to traditional curing equipment , the high infrared curing equipment provided high curing efficiency , less space requirement , energy saving , and low cost .

  20. 提高红外测量设备的探测能力有诸多方法,而提高探测器的灵敏度就是有效的方法之一。

    Among various ways in improving the detecting capacity of infrared ray measuring equipments , one of the most effective ways is to increase the sensitivity of detectors .

  21. 红外成像设备以其抗干扰能力强、气候环境适应性强、昼夜连续被动探测等优点被广泛应用于图像采集系统中。

    Infrared imaging equipment is widely used in image acquisition system for its strong anti-interference , climate adaptability , continuous passive detection day and night and other advantages of .

  22. 同时提出利用机载红外成像设备定期巡视、检测运行复合绝缘子内部缺陷,以确保电网安全运行。

    In addition , a measure using airborne infrared imaging device to periodically inspect the inner-defect of composite insulators in service is put forward to ensure the secure operation of power grids .

  23. 本文介绍了一种远红外线加热技术,这项技术是使红外加热设备不接触工件,以实现均匀温度的目的。

    In this paper the author introduced a heating technology that use infrared-ray , the heating technology is not allow the heating equipment to contact the part that needs heating to realize the temperature to be evened .

  24. 一种由远程红外监控设备、通信控制及移动控制计算机组成的基于无线局域网的监视、检测、控制系统,该系统是变电站巡检机器人的子系统。

    It detailedly introduces a monitoring , detecting and control system composed of remote infrared monitoring and control equipments , communication control systems , and motion controlled computers based on wireless WAN , which is a sub-system of the intelligence mobile robot .

  25. 实验结果证明,采用此方法获得了统一规范的绝缘子半盘面区域。5.红外成像设备自身存在测温误差,导致红外成像测量温度与真实温度之间的温度偏差不可预测。

    Experiment results show that the presented method can obtain the half of the disc surface of insulator uniformly and normatively . 5 . The difference of the real temperature and the measured temperature is unpredictable by reason of the temperature measurement error of the infrared imaging system .

  26. 判定红外光电设备作用距离是否合格是目前靶场试验中突出的问题,因为考核现场很难造就标准环境(规定环境)和使用真实目标。

    To decide whether the effective ranging of IR photodetection equipments is up to standard is now a striking problem in the test-range testing , because the standard conditions are hard to be established in a test range and any real target can be hardly used under test .

  27. NASA的广谱红外调查探测设备已经第二次用红外线扫描出这颗星球的全部大气层,

    NASA 's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer has scanned the entire sky in infrared light , twice ,

  28. 当用超声、涡流和红外三种设备检测缺陷时,通过D-S证据理论融合算法,得到两个周期融合的可信度。

    When using super sound , eddy current and infrared ray to check defect , through D-S evidence theory fusion algorithm , the reliability degree of two circle fusion were achieved .

  29. NASA的广谱红外调查探测设备已经第二次用红外线扫描出这颗星球的全部大气层,排除了任何可能比土星大,距离地球到太阳一万倍的任何隐藏物体。

    NASA 's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer has scanned the entire sky in infrared light - twice - and ruled out any hidden bodies larger than Saturn out to 10000 times the distance from the Earth to the sun .

  30. 本论文的研究目的是结合USB技术和红外线接口技术,研究开发USB-IrDA适配器,该系统广泛用于手机,掌上电脑等带红外接口的设备和PC机的通信。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to research and develop an USB-IrDA adapter system with the combination of USB technologies and IrDA interface technologies . This kind of adapter system could be applicable in the communications of devices with IrDA interface such as mobile phone , PDA , etc.