
měi ɡuó lù jūn
  • US Army;United States Army
  1. 1943年的今天,美国陆军与宾夕法尼亚大学的摩尔学校合作开发ENIAC计算机。

    1943-The United States Army contracts with the University of Pennsylvania 's Moore School to develop the ENIAC .

  2. SupachaiRerks-Ngarm医生是泰国公共卫生部该研究的负责人。他说,这是科学性的突破。美国陆军军医处长发起了该研究,并于上周公布了最终结果。

    The Surgeon General of the United States Army ed the study and released the final results last week .

  3. 他是美国陆军少校。

    He 's a major in the US army .

  4. 我父亲在这里的美国陆军服役。

    My father was in the U.S. army over here .

  5. 二战期间,他应征加入了美国陆军。

    During the Second World War , he was drafted into the US Army

  6. 美国陆军也同样这么做。

    The US Army has gone the same way .

  7. 他毕业于西点军校(WestPoint),曾在美国陆军服役六年,担任游骑兵,1988年开始从事药物销售。

    A West Point grad , he spent six years in the U.S. Army , serving as an Army Ranger .

  8. 目前,中央情报局(cia)的审讯人员只限使用《美国陆军战地手册》(armyfieldmanual)中列出的温和手段。

    For the moment Central Intelligence Agency interrogators are confined to the gentle methods laid out in the army field manual .

  9. 4年前,他在美国陆军战争学院(USArmyWarCollege)的一次会议上发表了一篇论文,就中国这些动态提出警告,但美国海军的代表对这一潜在危险不屑一顾。

    When he presented a paper warning of these trends at an Army War College conference four years ago , delegates from the US Navy dismissed the potential threat .

  10. 你犯了错,但看看积极的一面吧,美国陆军研究所(USArmyResearchInstitute)的埃弗雷特哈曼(EverettHarman)写道。

    You made a mistake , but look at the positive side , wrote Everett Harman , of the US Army Research Institute .

  11. 美国陆军部(USArmy)提议显眼纹身者(在膝下、肘部或是脖子以上)严禁入伍,暗指这些人也越来越不受工作单位待见。

    The US Army 's proposed ban on visible tattoos ( those below the knee or elbow or above the neckline ) also implies that they are becoming less acceptable at work .

  12. 这些努力“并没有真正取得多大成功,”已退休的美国陆军将军约瑟夫·沃特尔(JosephVotel)告诉路透社。

    Those efforts " didn 't really have much success , " retired U.S. Army General Joseph Votel told Reuters .

  13. 美国陆军工程兵团的EdFleming上校称这是历史性的行动。

    Colonel Ed Fleming of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers called the action historic .

  14. 该说法来自伊拉克战争高级指挥官美国陆军将军RayOdierno。

    That 's from the war 's top commander US Army General Ray Odierno .

  15. GSA和美国陆军工兵部队也曾经为此而奋斗过。

    The GSA and the Army Corps of Engineers have struggled with that .

  16. 美国陆军也已创建了简介;美国联邦调查局(fbi)建立了一个页面,宣传在加州大学伯克利分校(universityofcaliforniaatberkeley)举行的招募晚会。

    The army also has a profile and the Federal Bureau of investigation has set up a page to publicise a recruitment evening at the University of California at Berkeley .

  17. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  18. 最初,里根曾是一名小有成就的好莱坞演员,在美国陆军服过役,而后成为一名工会领袖,即美国影视演员协会(ScreenActorsGuild)主席。

    Initially he enjoyed reasonable success as a Hollywood actor , served in the US Army , and then became a union boss , as president of the Screen Actors Guild .

  19. 美国陆军列兵约翰·G·伯内特写道:切罗基族人所遭受的苦难极其残酷,他们被放逐的一路上横尸无数,他们睡在马车里或没有取暖用火的野地上。

    US Army Private John G. Burnett writes : The sufferings of the Cherokee were awful . The trail of the exiles was a trail of death . They slept in the wagons and on the ground without fire .

  20. 在前方采访的NBC新闻团队,因为美国陆军第三步师的一个装甲机械化排而得救,他们将我们包围起来,使我们活了下来。

    Our traveling NBC News team was rescued , surrounded and kept alive by an armor mechanized platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry .

  21. 美国陆军的前沿防空系统包括4个主要组成部分:PMS复仇者,这是视线瞄准后卫系统;

    The US Army 's forward-area air-defense system ( FAADS ) comprises four primary elements : PMS Avenger , the line-of-sight rear system ;

  22. 去年,美国陆军开始组建首批四个THAAD营。

    Last year , the U.S.Army began forming the first of four THAAD batteries .

  23. 在美国陆军服役24年的WalterHernandez就是其中之一,他说:

    And many served in Vietnam and the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan . Walter Hernandez , who served 24 years in the U.S. Army , is one of them .

  24. ,美国陆军也没有发布该网站的使用指南,而Pinterest也还不是有史以来发展最快的网站。

    Before the U.S. Army issued a guide for how to use it , and before pinterest emerged as the fastest-growing website of all time .

  25. 本文论述了美国陆军战术C3I系统的形成、发展及其趋势,以及C3I系统在未来战争中的地位和作用。

    This paper gives a brief account of the formation , development and tendency of the tactics of the C3I system of the US army and discusses its role in future war .

  26. 当美国陆军于2006年发表其最新情报人员操作手册时,情报处副参谋长约翰金蒙斯将军(GeneralJohnKimmons,)矢口否认酷刑有效:严刑逼供得不到任何有用的情报。

    When the US army published its latest manual for intelligence staff in 2006 , General John Kimmons , the deputy chief of staff for intelligence , flatly denied torture worked : No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices .

  27. 美国陆军理论手册,包括FM3-0,里并没有引用《孙子兵法》这本书,因为他所写的是关于战争的中国方式。

    Sunzi is not quoted in US Army doctrinal manuals , including FM3-0 , because he writes about a Chinese way of war .

  28. 美国陆军和海军陆战队随后将进行的缩减,可能对美国在欧洲的持续军事存在产生重大影响。美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(LeonPanetta)表示,这种军事存在将适应和演变。

    The subsequent scaling back of the army and parts of the marine corps could have big implications for the continuing US military presence in Europe , which Leon Panetta , defence secretary , said would adapt and evolve .

  29. 该导弹系统,在一个国资委SFQ2040安装,类似于美国陆军HMMVEE式复仇者防空系统。

    The missile system , mounted on an SAC SFQ2040 , is similar to the US Army HMMVEE-mounted Avenger air defence system .

  30. 目前,军火商洛克希德马丁公司为了测试下一代HULC外置骨骼,已经同美国陆军签订了110万美元的合同。

    Recently defence firm Lockheed Martin has received a $ 1.1 million contract from the US Army to test its next-generation HULC exoskeleton .