
  • 网络Epa;Environmental Protection Agency;USEPA;US EPA
  1. 大众可能面临美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)180亿美元的罚款。

    Volkswagen 's potential liability to Environmental Protection Agency fines is $ 18bn .

  2. 每加仑230英里的耗油率数字是基于美国国家环境保护局(usenvironmentalprotectionagency)正在研究的指导方针草案得出的。

    The 230 mpg fuel-consumption figure is based on draft guidelines being developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency .

  3. 这个项目将与美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)共同运作,于几个月后在印度上线。

    The program , run in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency , will begin to operate in India in a few months .

  4. 这是一个非营利性的研究机构,正是他们将大众汽车柴油发动机性能不足的问题记录下来,报告给了美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)。

    The council is the same group that documented the performance shortfalls of Volkswagen diesels in the United States and brought the matter to the Environmental Protection Agency .

  5. QUAL2E模型是美国国家环境保护局(USEPA)推出的一个河流综合水质模型。

    QUAL2E model was developed by USEPA as a comprehensive stream water quality model .

  6. 美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)建议的24小时PM2.5均值上限为每立方米35微克,北京和上海的空气质量都差得远。

    Air quality in both Beijing and Shanghai falls far short of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's recommended PM2.5 limit of 35 micrograms per cubic meter for a 24-hour period .

  7. 上月,一个牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉和奶制品生产商联盟请求美国国家环境保护局(usepa)暂缓乙醇指令,以回应玉米价格不断上涨。

    Last month , a coalition of beef , pork , chicken and dairy producers petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency to waive the ethanol mandate in response to rising corn prices .

  8. 而来自美国国家环境保护局(EPA)的研究发现这样做只会改变玉米的价格几美分。

    Studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) found doing so would only change the price of corn by a few cents .

  9. 自从美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)揭露大众在柴油车上安装了可以用来操纵排放测试的软件、并要求召回近50万辆大众汽车以来,该公司一直处于震惊状态。

    VW has been reeling ever since the US Environmental Protection Agency revealed that the company had fitted its diesel vehicles with software that could be used to manipulate emissions tests , and demanded the recall of nearly 500000 VW cars .

  10. QUAL2E模型,该模型是美国国家环境保护局(USEPA)推出的一个河流综合水质模型,该模型具有综合性、多样化和灵活通用的特点,是进行河流水质定量模拟的有力工具。

    QUAL2E was released by USEPA as a comprehensive and versatile stream water quality model.QUAL2E can be used as a powerful tool for stream water quality quantitative simulation .

  11. 美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,简称EPA)周一表示,他们在更多大众(Volkswagen)及奥迪(Audi)车上发现了作弊软件,超过之前披露的规模,而且首次在大众高端品牌保时捷的一些车型中发现了非法软件。

    The Environmental Protection Agency said on Monday that it had discovered cheating software on more Volkswagen and Audi cars than previously disclosed and , for the first time , also found the illegal software in some of the carmaker 's high-end Porsche models .

  12. 上周,上海和其他一些东部沿海地区出现严重雾霾,这种程度通常只在北京和其他北方地区才会出现,上海的污染水平一度比美国国家环境保护局(U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)设定的24小时均值限度高16倍。

    Last week , Shanghai and other parts of Eastern coastal China were hit by a bout of pollution , the severity of which is normally seen only in Beijing and other northern areas , with Shanghai 's pollution level at one point more than 16 times the limit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets for an average 24-hour period .

  13. 大众旗下品牌还包括奥迪(Audi)、保时捷(Porshe)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)。在声明中,大众称“将继续与美国国家环境保护局(EPA)合作,制定补救措施”,让旗下柴油车“尽快完全符合规定”。

    In a statement , Volkswagen , which includes the brands Audi , Porsche and Lamborghini , said it " will continue to work cooperatively with the E.P.A. on developing remedies " to bring its diesel vehicles " into full compliance with regulations as soon as possible . " The company also said it was working

  14. 但美国国家环境保护局表示,在美国的实验中,它被认为与老鼠的肾脏炎症有关。

    In the US it has been linked to kidney inflammation in rats , according to the US environmental protection agency .

  15. 美国国家环境保护局表示,商业化的家具抛光液中含有石油馏分,这些强烈的化学品会刺激双眼,皮肤和呼吸系统。

    According to the U.S. EPA , commercial furniture polish contains petroleum distillates . These harsh chemicals can irritate your eyes , skin and respiratory system .

  16. 虽然美国汽车制造商获许自己进行车辆测试,但美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,简称EPA)也会进行抽查,而绝大部分执法行动是由美国监管机构开展的。

    While United States automakers are allowed to test their own cars , the Environmental Protection Agency does its own random checking , and the vast majority of enforcement actions are undertaken by American regulators .

  17. 美国食品和药品监督管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)和美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)的现行指南警告:孕妇和哺乳期妇女应将金枪鱼的摄入量限制在每周6盎司(约合170克)。

    Current guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency warn pregnant and nursing women to limit tuna consumption to six ounces per week .

  18. 世界第二大汽车制造商上周五被勒令在美国召回近50万辆汽车,此前它向美国监管机构——国家环境保护局(EPA)承认,它曾安装“欺骗装置”以便冒充达到环保标准。

    The world 's second-biggest carmaker was ordered on Friday to recall nearly half a million cars in the US after it admitted to the US regulator , the Environmental Protection Agency , that it had fitted " defeat devices " to bypass environmental standards .

  19. 这起民事诉讼是由美国司法部(USJusticeDepartment)代表去年9月曝光大众涉嫌不当行为的美国国家环境保护局(EPA)提起的。

    The civil lawsuit was filed by the US justice department on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency , which exposed VW 's alleged wrong last September .