
  • 网络Reconstruction
  1. 《宠儿》的背景是1873年的美国重建时期。它讲述了一段在白人话语压制下长期沉默的鲜血淋淋的黑人的历史。

    Set in the Reconstruction era in 1873 , Beloved tells of a long and silent , but brutal and bloody period in black history in which the black voice was unceasingly suppressed by the discourse of slavery .

  2. 从黑奴制到收成制&美国南方重建时期经济体制和社会阶级结构的变化

    The Economic and Social Revolution during Reconstruction in the American South

  3. 美国南方重建时期实行军事管制的原因

    Reasons for the Military Control in South Reconstruction of America

  4. 是奴隶还是公民?&美国南方重建时期白人黑人新种族关系的双重性及其对后世的影响

    The Duality of the Racial Relations between Blacks and Whites during the Reconstruction of American South and Its Influence

  5. 自由民局是美国南方重建时期处理被遗弃土地及自由民问题的军事组织。它延续了内战时期军队实行的强制性劳动合同政策;

    The Freedmen 's Bureau was a military organization that dealt with the deserted land and freedmen 's affairs in America 's South Reconstruction .

  6. 恐惧与信念:美国南部重建时期的意识文化特性

    Fear and Faith : Ideological Distinctiveness of the American South in the Era of Reconstruction

  7. 这三个问题也是美国内战与重建时期要着力解决并通过暴力手段得以解决的问题。

    The three problems were also the significant ones which had been tried to resolve during the American Civil War and the Reconstruction and did be resolved through violent means .