
tè xǔ zhuànɡ
  • charter
  1. 皇家学院于1967年获得升格为大学的特许状。

    The Royal College received its charter as a university in 1967 .

  2. 这一条款将会被包含在BBC的下一份皇家特许状草案当中。

    The clause will be included in a draft of the BBC 's next Royal Charter .

  3. 该市镇多年前已获得特许状。

    A charter was granted to the town many years ago .

  4. 英国大学特许状及其治理意义

    Royal Charters of British Universities and Its Implications for Governance

  5. 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

    A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown

  6. (根据持有皇家特许状的专业协会的规章)合格的

    Qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter

  7. 1837年给学校颁发了王室特许状。

    A Royal Charter was granted in 1837 .

  8. 凭教会给予的特许状,她获准再婚。

    By a special dispensation from the church , she is allowed to remarry .

  9. 英国广播公司有皇家特许状。

    The BBC has a royal charter .

  10. 特许状明确禁止在该处土地上修建任何小教堂或休养所。

    The Charter expressly forbade the building of any chapel or retreat on the land .

  11. 特许状把皇家制造硬币的特权授予了萨克森州的一个教会机构。

    The charters granted the royal privilege of minting coins to an ecclesiastical institution in saxony .

  12. 特许状包含这种特许的文件。

    The document containing this exemption .

  13. 1811年,乾坤得以扭转&国会决定不再为美利坚第一银行续签特许状。

    All this changed in1811 , when Congress decided not to renew the First Bank 's charter .

  14. 事实上每一个“审问处”都把自己局限于由其特许状委托给它审判的各种罪行。

    Each Quaestio had , in fact , confined itself to the crimes committed to its cognisance by its charter .

  15. 由于私掠船往往对特许状上的限制条款视而不见,因而一般说来很难把他们的所作所为与海盗行径区分开来。

    Since privateers frequently ignored the constraints of their commissions , privateering was often difficult to distinguish from common piracy .

  16. 这种价值判断在一定程度上夸大了特许状的作用,也夸大了商业和封建制度的对立性。

    To a certain extent , this value judgment exaggerates the role of charters and the opposition between commerce and feudalism .

  17. 他取消我们的许多特许状,废除我们最珍贵的法律并从根本上改变我们各州政府的形式;

    For taking away our Charters , abolishing our most valuable laws , and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments ;

  18. 其中,特许状是特许学校得以创办的载体,公立性质是特许学校的本质,绩效责任制是特许学校得以存在的基石。

    Among them , charter is the carrier of charter schools , publicness the inbeing , and accountability the foundation stone .

  19. 中世纪西欧的城市特许状是国王或大封建主颁发给城市和市民的一种法律意义上的权利认可证书。

    The city charter of medieval Western Europe is one kind of legal right certificate granted to the cities and the citizens by Kings and Feudal lords in the Middle Ages .

  20. 学界一般认为欧洲中世纪有关市集和城市的特许状促进了商业的发展,并促使商业成为瓦解封建制度的重要力量。

    The scholarly literature generally holds that the charters granted to markets and cities in medieval Europe promoted the development of commerce , which in turn contributed to the demise of feudalism .

  21. 这种法人是借助于国家的行为而设立的,即由主权者颁发设立法人的特许状或根据《公司法》之类的制定法去做。

    Incorporation in this fashion would occur through the action of the state & a charter of incorporation from the sovereign , or incorporation under some statute such as the Companies Acts .

  22. 文章从经济发展、政府的筹款需要、英格兰银行特许状的保护和其它因素的影响等几个方面分析了英格兰银行能够顺利实现自身职能转变的原因。

    I attempt to analyze the reason in this change through four aspects , which are the impact of economic factors , the needs of government in fund-raising , the protection of the Charter of Bank of England and other factors .

  23. 英格兰银行能够从一家普通的私人股份制银行发展成为英国的中央银行,是与当时的经济发展、政府筹款的需要、英格兰银行特许状的保护等因素分不开的。

    The Bank of England had developed from a ordinary private joint-stock bank to British central bank , which could attribute to several aspects , such as economic factors , the needs of government in raising funds , the protection of the Charter of Bank of England and so on .

  24. 美国特许学校以是否实现在特许状中的绩效目标为存在的依据,其在这场择校运动中颇引人注目。

    It is fairly noticeable that the existence of Charter schools in the US would be decided by whether they can achieve the goal of performance in the " charter " .