
  1. 成群结队的人聚集在特拉法尔加广场周围。

    Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square .

  2. 我最近数了数岸滨街(Strand)上的15辆公交车,其中6辆是空车(岸滨街从特拉法尔加广场向东,一直延伸到皇家司法院(RoyalCourtsofJustice))。

    I recently counted 15 buses on the Strand , which runs east from Trafalgar Square all the way to the Law Courts . Six of them were empty .

  3. 加拿大高级专员公署设在伦敦的特拉法尔加广场。

    The Canadian High Commission is in Trafalgar Square in london .

  4. 人们在伦敦的特拉法尔加广场建造了一个美丽的雕塑,

    A beautiful statue has been built in Trafalgar Square , London ,

  5. 一狂欢者扮成蝙蝠侠加入到特拉法尔加广场的庆祝活动中。

    A reveller dressed as Batman joins the festivities in Trafalgar Square .

  6. 尔逊纪念碑是伦敦特拉法尔加广场上著名纪念碑。

    Nelson 's column is a famous monument in Trafalgar Square in london .

  7. 我们乘地铁去特拉法尔加广场。

    We went by underground to Trafalgar square .

  8. 去特拉法尔加广场的费用是多少?

    What is the fare to Trafalgar square ?

  9. 观光客在特拉法尔加广场给鸽子拍照。

    Tourists photographed the pigeons in Trafalgar square .

  10. 她给特拉法尔加广场上的鸽子拍照。

    She photographed the pigeons in Trafalgar square .

  11. 现在我们快到特拉法尔加广场了。

    Now , we 're approaching Trafalgar Square .

  12. 孩子,我要回到特拉法尔加广场

    Back to Trafalgar Square , son .

  13. 这就像是特拉法尔加广场上的圣诞树。

    There was a Christmas tree of Trafalgar Square proportions at the end of the tunnel .

  14. 你在哪个国家能找到特拉法尔加广场、多佛白岩和巨石阵?

    In what country will you find Trafalgar Square , the cliffs of Dover and Stonehenge ?

  15. 有些人到外面活动,相当多的人去伦敦中心的特拉法尔加广场。

    Some people go and stand outside , quite a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square in the centre of London .

  16. 嗨!小伙子们!我想我迷路了!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法尔加广场吗?

    LUKE : Hey , dudes ! I think I 'm lost ! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square ?

  17. 主播当布什总统继续他的访问行程时,组织者正在准备应对本周四在伦敦特拉法尔加广场的一场大规模示威。

    ANCHOR As President Bush 's visit continues , organizers are bracing for a huge demonstration in London 's Trafalgar Square this Thursday .

  18. 特拉法尔加广场艺术展上展出的电脑图像“幽灵森林”突出了森林砍伐。

    Computer images of a " ghost forest " art installation planned for Trafalgar Square show the vast scale of a project designed to highlight deforestation .

  19. 我能观赏莫斯科红场的日出,观看密歇根州一群木工蚁来回忙碌,还能看到伦敦特拉法尔加广场的交通场景。

    I can watch the sun rise over Moscow 's Red Square , the comings and goings in a carpenter ant colony in Michigan or the traffic in London 's Trafalgar Square .

  20. 轮形跑道从英皇十字区延伸到特拉法尔加广场,为私人飞机建设了停机场,提供电梯方便人们升降,并且绝不会有任何东西妨碍不够格的飞行员将飞机歪歪斜斜地开出跑道,然后冲进伦敦商业区的中心地带。

    Stretching from Kings Cross to Trafalgar Square , it had private garages for personal airplanes , lifts to bring people up from ground level , and absolutely nothing to stop an incompetent pilot from careening off the end and right into the heart of London 's shopping districts .