
tè bié
  • special;unusual;particular;out of the ordinary;out of the ordinary unusual;exceptional;exceptionally;specially;especially;in particular;singularly;extra;eminently;notably;otherness;tremendously;super
特别 [tè bié]
  • (1) [special;out of the ordinary unusual;exceptional]∶不一般;与众不同

  • 特别的场合

  • (2) [exceptionally]∶格外

  • 一个特别聪明的孩子

  • (3) [particular;specially]∶特地;特意

  • 我特别提到那一点

  • (4) [especially;in particular]∶尤其

  • 我喜欢乡下,特别是在春天

特别[tè bié]
  1. 教练提出两名队员给予特别表扬。

    The team coach singled out two players for special praise .

  2. 作为特别的消遣,我们带孩子们到动物园去。

    We took the kids to the zoo as a special treat .

  3. 衣领特别紧,把她脖子磨痛了。

    The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck .

  4. 我一向特别厌恶塑料花。

    Plastic flowers have always been a particular hate of mine .

  5. 学历史的学生会对这个讲座特别有兴趣。

    The lecture will be of especial interest to history students .

  6. 我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大。

    We didn 't find the examples he used particularly illuminating .

  7. 我说不出自己有什么特别偏好。

    I can 't say that I have any particular preference .

  8. 此地年轻的中产阶级家庭特别多。

    The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families .

  9. 这些植物特别有助于让背光的地方明亮起来。

    These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas .

  10. 桌上点了一些蜡烛,使得那个晚上有一种特别的气氛。

    Candles on the table gave the evening a sense of occasion .

  11. 他们特别发行了一套纪念邮票。

    They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion .

  12. 就音乐而言,他们最新的专辑没什么特别的。

    Musically speaking , their latest album is nothing special .

  13. 他有特别喜爱的哪一类书籍吗?

    Is there a particular type of book he enjoys ?

  14. 他身高约六英尺,没什么特别的记号。

    He was about six feet tall , with no distinguishing marks .

  15. 一种游戏玩得特别好是一桩惬意的事。

    It 's satisfying to play a game really well .

  16. 总而言之,那一天平平常常,并没有什么特别。

    All in all , it had been a not untypical day .

  17. 总统绕道到芝加哥参加一个特别会议。

    The President detoured to Chicago for a special meeting .

  18. 那只是一座普通的房子,没有故作特别。

    It was just an ordinary house ─ nothing pretentious .

  19. 特别令人担忧的是,似乎没有任何人在负责。

    It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge .

  20. 把两个版本加以比较特别耐人寻味。

    It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions .

  21. 理查德对我们帮助很大,理应被特别提一提。

    Richard deserves special mention for all the help he gave us .

  22. 我很欣赏那场比赛,特别是下半场。

    I enjoyed the play , particularly the second half .

  23. 预先安排好的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。

    The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin .

  24. 这家新餐馆没什么值得特别激动的地方。

    The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about .

  25. 这封信内容简短,措辞特别客气。

    The letter was brief , and couched in very polite terms .

  26. 她在那匹特别喜爱的马上下注100元。

    She had laid $ 100 on the favourite .

  27. 孩子们特别喜欢这种饼干。

    These biscuits are great favourites with the children .

  28. 对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。

    There are special arrangements for people working overseas .

  29. 加些特别的调料使饭菜味道更佳。

    Pep up meals by adding more unusual spices .

  30. 对他那种地位的人来说,他的行为很特别。

    He behaves extraordinarily for someone in his position .