
  • 网络student apartment;dormitory;student flat;student hostel
  1. 为什么不把这些集装箱再用作学生公寓呢?

    Why not reuse these shipping containers as student apartment ?

  2. 结合DSS的标准化学生公寓管理信息系统1

    MIS of educational administration standardization apartment building combined with DSS

  3. 马钢H型钢加工配售分公司用钢结构技术承担了福建师范大学学生公寓楼工程。

    Ma Steel H - beam machining and distribution subsidiary company took part in the student s apartment building of Fu Jian teacher - training college with steel construction technology .

  4. 采用UML建模,对学生公寓管理系统进行构件抽取,结合设计方案,最终完成学生公寓管理系统的开发于实现。

    Using UML modeling , the students ' apartments management system , combining the design scheme members extraction , finally complete students ' apartments management system development to implement .

  5. 用VISUALBASIC6.0开发工具和MicrosoftAccess数据库,以及ActiveX数据对象(ADO)数据库接口开发的一个高校标准化学生公寓管理信息系统。

    The paper introduces the developing instruments Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access ' database management systems and ActiveX Data Object ( ADO ) to develop a MIS of educational administration standar - ( dization ) apartment building .

  6. 本月早些时候,GSA曾表示,该公司将以2100万澳元收购私人持股的CampusEstates。学生公寓开发商CampusEstates正在澳大利亚墨尔本市中心建设一个包含350个床位的学生公寓。

    Earlier this month , GSA said it would buy privately-held Campus Estates , a student accommodation developer building a 350-bed student apartment in inner-city Melbourne , for A $ 21 million .

  7. 伦敦上一次举办奥运会是在1948年,当时运动员入住的是以前的军队医院、战俘营、学生公寓以及在里士满公园(RichmondPark)临时搭建的帐篷。

    The last time London hosted the Olympics , in 1948 , the athletes were housed in former military hospitals and prisoner-of-war camps , student halls and a bunch of tents in Richmond Park .

  8. 介绍基于AD7755芯片的学生公寓电能计量管理系统的硬件构成和软件设计。

    The hardware and software design of electricity power measure and management system based on AD7755 were introduced in detail .

  9. 大型学生公寓公司Opal在2013年破产,而另外两家学生公寓基金公司,由于无法出售足够的房屋来满足投资者的要求,于是被迫停止赎回。

    Opal , a major student housing company , went bankrupt in 2013 , and two other large student housing fund companies were forced to suspend redemptions when they could not sell property to meet the demands .

  10. 本文介绍了基于AD7755芯片的学生公寓电能计量管理系统的设计方法.详细地介绍了系统的硬件构成和软件设计。

    This article introduces a design and application of electricity power measure and management system based on AD7755 , also the hardware and software design of the system are introduced in detail .

  11. 巴基斯坦信息部部长凯拉(QamarZamanKaira)说,巴基斯坦全部学校、大学和学生公寓都被下令无限期关闭、空置,直到采取了适当的安全措施。

    All schools , universities and student hostels were ordered closed and vacated for an indefinite period , ' until appropriate security measures are taken , ' said Qamar Zaman Kaira , the federal minister for information .

  12. 优化高校学生公寓环境的思考和实践

    The Thought and PRACTICE OF perfecting the University Students ' Apartment

  13. 论学生公寓管理中的素质教育

    On the role of students ′ apartment management in quality education

  14. 谈高校学生公寓建设投资控制

    Discuss the construction of student 's apartment of the university simply

  15. 高校学生公寓防火设计的探讨

    Fire Prevention Design of Students ' Apartment in Colleges and Universities

  16. 高校学生公寓物业服务质量的研究

    Study on the Property Service Quality of University Students ' Apartment

  17. 高校学生公寓社区德育工作的建构

    Moral Education Work Construction in the Lodging House Community of University

  18. 高校学生公寓管理与思想政治工作

    Management of Student Residences and the Political Work in Universities

  19. 高校学生公寓的电气设计

    The Electrical Design of the Apartment House of University Students

  20. 高校的大规模扩招,加快了高校学生公寓的建设。

    The large-scale explanation of universities accelerates the construction of student apartment .

  21. 基于IC卡技术的学生公寓一卡通系统设计

    System Design of Student Flats Through One Card on IC Card Technology

  22. 西安地区高校学生公寓绿色声环境研究

    A Study on the Green Sound Environment of University Apartments in Xi'an

  23. 学生公寓管理员的素质及工作策略

    On the Quality and Working Strategy of the Students ' Dormitory Controller

  24. 迈向社会化的高校学生公寓设计研究

    Design of Socialized Students ' Dormitories in Colleges and Universities

  25. 本文就高校学生公寓社会化建设的经济评价作了详细论述。

    This essay discusses the economic evaluation of it in great detail .

  26. 新形势下加强学生公寓育人实效的思考

    On Strengthening Education Effect in Students ' Apartments in a New Situation

  27. 我与其他6个人合住在一间学生公寓里。

    I live in a student house with six others .

  28. 学生公寓管理的育人功能

    Educational Functions of the Management of the Students ' Dormitory

  29. 学生公寓管理系统研究

    Study of An Information Management System for Student 's Apartment

  30. 西安外国语学院长安校区学生公寓设计

    Design of Xi'an International Studies University Chang Campus Student Apartments