
  • 网络Subject
  1. 本次评估入围的我国现有医学重点学科点92.孤有一项以上指标出现在本次评估结果的前三名;

    There are 92.7 % current Chinese key medical subject units in the top three ranking to match one parameter ;

  2. 50年代开始,学科点吸纳了新学术思想而发展出新的汉语言文字学,介绍了训诂学,确立了古代汉语课,建立了全新的现代汉语教学系统;

    From the 50 's , the subject absorded new theories and then developed a new science to study Chinese language and writing , introducing the critical interpretation of ancient texts , establishing a course of ancient Chinese and a new teaching system of modern Chinese .

  3. 本文所述内容是在国家重大基础规划项目课题(2002CB111502)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(39930130)及高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(2000002009)的资助下完成的。

    The dissertation researches on the preferential flow of the fast water movement in the root zone supported by National Basic Research Priorities Programme ( 2002CB111502 ), National Natural Science Fund ( 39930130 ) and Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education ( 2000002009 ) .

  4. 钟敬文率领学科点队伍实现了从民间文学向民俗学的拓展;

    Zhong Jing-wen , the discipline transformed from the folk literature to folklore .

  5. 关于我校学科点建设与发展的分析与思考

    Analysis of and Reflections on the Establishment and Development of Academic Programs at USTC

  6. 外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学科点课程规划研究

    The Curriculum Layout for the Master 's Degree Program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

  7. 本论文是在高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目水下结构振动与声辐射相似性研究资助下完成的。

    This research was sponsored by Special Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education .

  8. 高等黉舍博士学科点专项科研基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China ( Grant No. ) .

  9. 北京师范大学民俗学学科点50年课程设置研究这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。

    Research on the Curriculum of Folklore in BeiJing Normal University since 1949 ; The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing .

  10. 在本论文工作之前,本学科点已利用该程序完成了处于不同设防烈度区的各类典型多层多跨框架结构的系列非线性动力反应分析工作。

    Our research group has completed a series of nonlinear dynamic response analysis of various typical multi-storey and multi-span frameworks in various intensity-category by this program .

  11. 不管是自然科学领域还是人文社会科学领域,学科点建设、高水平学科建设都有一定的经验可循。

    Whether the natural sciences or humanities and social sciences , disciplines degree point construction , the building of high-level subjects have certain experience to follow .

  12. 北京外国语大学现有7个学院,10个系部,开设44个本科专业,其中18种语言是全国唯一学科点。

    BFSU comprises 7 academic colleges , 10 schools and departments . At presentBFSU offers a total of 44 undergraduate programs , 18 of them are the state only disciplines .

  13. 学校设有学士学位专业61个,学校设有学士学位专业8个,硕士学位学科点144个,博士学位学科点99个。

    The RUC is now authorized to offer bachelor 's degrees in sixty-one areas , and double degree in eight areas . The RUC has 144 Masters programs and 99 Ph. D. programs

  14. 本文的选题来源于国家自然科学基金重点项目(60334010),国家自然科学基金(60474047),高等学校博士学科点专项基金(2003056103)和广东省自然科学基金(31406)。

    The research of this paper is supported by NSFC Key Project ( 60334010 ), NSFC ( 60474047 ), SRFDP ( 2003056103 ) and Guangdong Province Nature Foundation of China Project ( 31406 ) .

  15. 本文课题来源于高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目:高速重载齿轮全工况动态性能分析系统(批准号:2001061106)。

    This paper is under granted of the special scientific research fund of Doctor 's program which certificate number is 2001061106 : The Research on the analysis system about dynamical property of the high-speed and heavy-duty gear transmission .

  16. 为了全面系统地研究体外预应力高强混凝土连续梁的结构行为,本文结合高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,就高强混凝土、钢纤维高强混凝土与钢筋的粘结-滑移性能开展实验研究。

    In order to completely investigate the structural behaviors of externally prestressed high strength concrete continuous beams , the paper focuses on the bond stress-slip relationship between reinforcement and fiber reinforced high strength concrete based on the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education .

  17. 如果你有一门学科绩点为4.0,那你现在唯一要做的就是学习。

    If you have a 4.0 , what you need to be doing is studying .

  18. 论安全管理工程二级学科博士点的设置

    Theory on Disciplines Establishing education program for doctorates of safety administration

  19. 积累与创新相结合,探索新的学科生长点。

    Integrating accumulation and innovation and exploring new development points .

  20. 论现代信息技术与编辑出版学新的学科生长点

    Modern information technology and new starting point of editing and publishing science

  21. 中医基础学科知识点的研究报告

    Study on the key knowledge of basic subjects of TCM

  22. 试析交叉学科知识点的形成机理和作用方式

    Formation Mechanism and Interaction Mode of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Points

  23. 年被聘为西安交通大学低温工程学科博士点博士研究生导师。

    Was authorized by the University of Xi'an Jiaotong as a doctoral Supervisor ( 1994 ) .

  24. 2005年,获得理论经济学一级学科博士点授予权。

    In2005 , it has the authority to launch Ph.D Program of first-class disciplines in Theoretical Economics .

  25. 纵观科学史上新的重大突破点和学科生长点,大多出现在不同学科的交叉点上。

    Major breakthrough and growth mostly develop from intersection of different disciplines throughout the history of science .

  26. 学科交叉点往往孕育着科学史上的重大突破点和学科增长。

    The intersection between different disciplines gives rise to major breakthroughs and disciplinary growth in the history of science .

  27. 单分子磁体是介于分子基磁体和纳米磁性材料的学科交叉点。

    The studies on single-molecular magnets ( SMM 's ) are in the interface between molecule-based magnets and nanoscale magnetic materials .

  28. 以南京航空航天大学生物医学工程学科硕士点为例,分析探讨了生物医学工程学科硕士研究生培养的方式。

    The methods of educating graduate student of biomedical engineering in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics a analyzed and discussed .

  29. 论述了学科交叉点的锐意创新与实现自然控制的关系。以及对在这一研究过程中,应注重发挥哪些学科、领域的优势和大胆开拓创新的交叉学科领域等提出了一些看法。

    Also the relationship of the innovation with keen determination in the intersection of disciplines and controlling of nature is illustrated .

  30. 电力电子系统集成是一个以电力电子技术为基础的新学科增长点,代表着本世纪电力电子技术发展的方向,具有促进电力、能源、工业生产自动化产生革命性变革的良好前景。

    Power electronics system integration , which promotes the development of power and industry automation , is a new direction in future power electronics .