
xué lì jiào yù
  • Academic education;education with record of formal schooling
  1. 短期培训班是一种非学历教育,是组织学员在较短的时间内对某个领域内的知识集中进行学习的教育形式。

    One is education with record of formal schooling ; the other is education without record of formal schooling . Training Chinese course belongs to the latter . The education style is organizing learners to focus on a certain area to learn the knowledge in a short time .

  2. 由于培养目标的不同,高等职业教育的教学计划应不同于普通高等学历教育,更不应是普通本科教育的压缩。

    Due to its special cultivation objectives , teaching plans of higher vocational education should be different from general higher education with record of formal schooling or general college education .

  3. 经χ2检验,均有显著性差异(P<0.005)。建议护理管理者要重视高年资及门诊科室护理人员的学历教育。

    There were significant differences between both ( by χ 2 test , all P < 0.005 ), suggesting that the education for nurses with higher seniority be enhanced .

  4. 第四,合理构建高等职业教育体系,职业资格与学历教育并重,抓住加入WTO的机遇,完善资格认证制度,与国际资格认证接轨。

    Fourth , we should establish reasonable system of higher vocational education , grasp the chance of joining WTO , perfect the system of identification , and balance the position of professional qualification and diploma education to meet the international requirement .

  5. 论成人高等学历教育考试改革

    On Credit Crisis and Test Reform of Adult Higher Diploma Education

  6. 根据社会需求开展对在校学生的非学历教育培训

    Conduct of Non-Degree Education for Undergraduates in Light of Social Needs

  7. 文章对农民学历教育和非学历教育进行了相关论述。

    The article expends the farmer record-education and non-record education accordingly .

  8. 新世纪高校发展非学历教育的市场初探

    Initial Exploration of Non-diploma Education in Universities in the New Century

  9. 成人学历教育教学方法改革刍议

    On the Improvement of Teaching Method of Adult Education for Degrees

  10. 我国安全学科学历教育的困境与对策

    Difficult Position of Safety Discipline Education in China and Its Countermeasure

  11. 非学历教育在构建终身教育体系中的现状分析

    Analysis of Role of Non-diploma Education In Current Lifelong Education System

  12. 成人学历教育中的学习问题研究

    Researching on the Study of Adult Education on the Educational Background

  13. 农民职业教育包括学历教育和非学历教育。

    The farmer , professional education consists of record-education and non-record education .

  14. 结论护理队伍学历教育水平偏低;

    Conclusions The nurses ' educational level are relatively low ;

  15. 研究生教育是我国高层次的学历教育。

    The graduate student education is our country high level school education .

  16. 中医高等学历教育在欧洲发展的几点思考

    Some thoughts on developing degree education of Chinese medicine in European countries

  17. 对当前我国成人高等学历教育质量问题的探讨

    On Quality of Current Adult Higher Diploma Education in China

  18. 在职人员高层次继续学历教育研究

    Study of High-level Continued School Recording Education for People at their Post

  19. 医学成人学历教育研究

    A Study of Adult Medical Education for the Record of Formal Schooling

  20. 大力发展和规范非学历教育

    Devote Major Effort to Developing and Standardizing the Record of Informal Schooling

  21. 另有非学历教育研究生近3000人。

    In addition , the number of non-degree graduates reaches to 3 000

  22. 确立非学历教育培训机构的竞争优势

    Establish the Competition Advantage of Non-record Education and Training Organizations

  23. 加强汉语言专业学历教育,推进对外汉语教学学科发展

    Promoting Undergraduate Degree Program Education in the Major of the Chinese Language

  24. 促进成人高等学历教育不断创新的思考

    Thought on the Continuing Innovation to Improve the Higher Adult Academic Education

  25. 自考辅导、非学历教育,短期培训。

    Rural counselling , non-formal school education , short-term training .

  26. 宁夏农村卫生技术人员学历教育初探

    The primary study of Ningxia rural health workers academic education

  27. 学历教育合训学员管理问题分析及对策研究

    Research on Problem Analyzing and Countermeasures of DSC Cadet Management

  28. 对成人高等学历教育质量问题的思考

    Reflection of the quality of adult education for higher diploma

  29. 学历教育院校实验室建设与管理

    Laboratory Construction and Management in Universities for Degree Education

  30. 远程网络在护理学历教育中的应用

    The application of distance network in nursing degree programs