
  • 网络School Organization;Organization of Schools
  1. 学校组织变革及其绩效研究&学校组织的文化、结构和规模的绩效比较

    Research on the Innovation of School Organization and Its Effectiveness

  2. 从封闭到开放&学校组织变革的分析

    From Closedness to Openness & an Analysis of the School Organization Change

  3. 学校组织的出游能让孩子们获得在课堂上得不到的亲身体验。

    School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom .

  4. 在学校组织的音乐会上,大家都为小提琴手喝彩叫好。

    Everyone cheered for the violinist at out school concert .

  5. 即使史蒂夫原则上不让其女儿与朋友在外过夜,但他还是让她参加学校组织的旅行,他认为参加集体活动比个人活动安全。

    Steve lets his daughter go on a school trip even though he won 't let her spend a night away with a friend on the principle that there 's safety in numbers .

  6. 该校Z校长自1990年上任以来,领导进行了一系列不间断的学校组织变革。

    From as early as 1990 when the Principal Z became the principal of A Primary School , he has been undertaking a series of organizational changes .

  7. Alleycats邀请学校组织到农场帮忙解决问题。

    The Alleycats invite school groups to the farm to help out .

  8. 学校组织演讲比赛,老师让我参加。

    School speech contests , a teacher let me take part .

  9. 他们会有很多学校组织的短途旅行。

    Also they get to go on lots of school trips .

  10. 可以说,构建学校组织的交往理性范式也是时代对教育发展的要求。

    This requires the construction of communicative rationality in school .

  11. 优化学校组织文化,提供教师课程意识生成的环境支持。

    Creating the atmosphere for developing teachers ' curriculum consciousness .

  12. 试论学校组织冲突及其激发

    A Tentative Discussion about the Conflicts between Scholastic Organizations and its Stimulation

  13. 我很喜欢学校组织去看电影。

    I am going to enjoy our school trip to the movies .

  14. 学校组织的在春假的的出游也让人失望。

    School groups visting on spring break were also disappointed .

  15. 我可以看到很多学校组织学生参观。

    I have seen hundreds of school classes visiting these public aquariums .

  16. 一项关于学校组织文化的个案研究

    A Research Case on the Organizational Culture of One School

  17. 现实活动具体指学校组织的各种实践及交往。

    The real-life activities refer to all kinds of practice and communication .

  18. 运动学校组织人事制度改革的研究

    Study on the Reform of the Organizational and Personnel System in Sport Schools

  19. 中外学校组织文化研究之比较

    Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign School Organizational Culture

  20. 你想去参加学校组织的旅游吗?

    Do you like to go on school trips ?

  21. 学校组织中的病理现象及其诊治研究

    The Research of School Organization 's Pathology and Diagnosis

  22. 科研促变:学校组织变革的策略选择

    Educational Research Promoting the Change : The Strategy of the School Organization Change

  23. 与学校组织相比,非学校组织的教化更具有普遍性和隐秘性。

    Compared with school organization , these forms are of more universality and invisibility .

  24. 新课程背景下学校组织气氛与教师工作满意度之关系

    On the Organizational Climate and Teachers ' Job Satisfaction in the New Curriculum Reform

  25. 秋天到了,学校组织我们和爸爸妈妈一起秋游。

    Autumn is coming , we had a school outing with Daddy and Mummy .

  26. 上星期他和他的老师及同学参加了学校组织的短途旅行。

    Last week he went on a school trip with his teachers and classmates .

  27. 学校组织文化与学校组织内部多层面及多种要素间关系密切。

    School organizational culture is closely related to multiple levels and elements within school .

  28. 论职业学校组织结构与效能

    On the vocational school organization and school effectiveness

  29. 学校组织文化与体育教师

    School Organizational Culture and P. E Teachers

  30. 学习型企业创建的成功,吸引着越来越多的学校组织加入到学习型学校的创建队伍。

    The success of the building of learning enterprises is attracting more and more shools .