
  1. 从大教育观的角度看我国大学英语教学改革

    College English Teaching Reform Based on the World View of Education

  2. 大教育观下的数学教育

    Mathematics Education under the View of Great Education

  3. 这种具有近代意义的大教育观在一定程度上影响和推进了中国教育的近代化进程。

    His modern educational view influences and carries forward the modernization of Chinese education .

  4. 校长职业化与大教育观

    Schoolmaster professionalization and macro - education viewpoint

  5. 新体制下罪犯教育改造工作创新的对策是:创新观念,树立教育为先、教育为本的大教育观;

    The answer to the above is : to reform the thought , set up general education view ;

  6. 职业化校长必须确立科学的大教育观,努力培养自己与新的时代要求相适应的素质和能力;

    A professionalized schoolmaster must acquire a scientific macro - education viewpoint , foster his quality and capabilities adapted to new era requirement .

  7. 远程教育应该从大教育观出发,在批判传统教育思想之不足的基础上来建构有独立特色的远程个性化教育思想。

    Distance education should begin with " Great Education Concept ", construct distinctive and individual distance education idea based on criticizing the deficiencies of the traditional education idea .

  8. 从这样一种大教育观的角度,新的素质教育评价体系需从学校教育、家庭教育和社区教育来对学生教育进行综合评价。

    From such an angle of grand education , the new appraisal system of quality education should be a comprehensive practice conducted in the contexts of school education , family education and community education .

  9. 因此,要适应新的形势,转变教育观念,树立终身教育观、大教育观和社区教育意识,丰富青少年社区教育相关理论。

    Therefore , in order to adapt to the new situation , changing concepts of education , lifelong education , the outlook on education and community education awareness , enrich youth community education theory .

  10. 我们应该树立幼儿园、家庭、社会三位一体的大教育观,动员社会各界力量,共同开展家庭教育工作,建立和完善兰州市幼儿家庭教育的社会支持网络系统。

    We should establish kindergartens , families , and society , big on education , mobilizing all social forces , the Family Education work together to establish and improve early childhood family education in Lanzhou social support network system .

  11. 认为坚持体育的大教育观,田径课程设置应服从儿童发展的需要,使田径课程内容生活化、兴趣化、人性化、多样化、乡土化。

    The implement of the curriculums should follow the big education idea ′ and the law of the development of the children , the contents of the curriculums should be daily life , interesting , human being , diverse , and local .

  12. 本文从大教育观、大环境设计观、环境艺术设计教育特色观、环境艺术设计教育国际观、环境艺术设计可持续教育观五个方面探讨我国环境艺术设计教育观念创新的表现。

    To discuss the renewal of the concept of ED education in our country , five aspects are covered in this thesis : concepts of grand education , grand ED , educational distinction in ED , International education in ED and sustainable education of ED.

  13. 浅析大系统教育观之特征

    On the Characteristics in the Concept of General Systematic Education

  14. 大系统教育观的形成及特征研究&兼论发展高职教育的指导思想

    A Research on the Formation and Characteristics of General Systematic Education Theory

  15. 浅谈职教大语文教育观

    Sense of General Chinese Language Education in Vocational School

  16. 树立大系统教育观办好高职教育

    Setting Up the Sense of Great-systemed Education And Doing Well in Higher Vocational Education

  17. 构建大图书馆教育观研究理论体系的设想

    A Tentative Idea of Building the Theoretical System for the Study of the Educational Viewpoint of " Macro Library "

  18. 本部分从三个方面提出提高作文教学质量的策略,包括:树立基于素质教育的大作文教育观;

    This thesis put forward the strategies of improving composition education from three aspects , which include : set up educating view on the basis of quality education ;

  19. 高职教育的快速发展,要求以大职业教育观的视野审视高职教育资源。

    With the rapid grow of the higher professional education , the eyeshot of the great professional education concept is needed to survey the resources of higher vocational education .

  20. 在写作教学中要以思维发展理论为基础,以大语文教育观为指导,实施思维能力的训练与培养。

    Thinking training and development in the process of writing teaching should be based on the theory of thinking development and guided by the view of overall Chinese education .

  21. 第二部分重点从大语文教育观、人文主义教育观、终身学习教育观、信息教育观三方面的内容构建语文教师先进的教育理念素质;

    It emphasizes three parts : make up the Chinese teachers ' quality of advanced educational idea which are wide Chinese educational idea , human educational idea , all-life study educational idea , information educational idea .

  22. 三是其理论体系的结构和内容存在发展论、本质论和实践论是大图书馆教育观研究理论体系的结构和内容。

    The third is that the ontological development , the essence and the practice of the structure and contents of the theoretical system are the structure and contents of the theoretical system of the educational viewpoint of macro library .

  23. 历史教学中恰当运用文学作品,是新课程标准的内在要求,是历史教材多样化发展的结果,是开展历史探究性学习的需要,也是大文科教育观发展的必然结果。

    Properly using literature in history teaching is the inner requirement of new curriculum criteria , the development result of diversification of history course pack , need to begin history inquisitive learning , and necessity of the development of bigger humanities .

  24. 为此,要树立全面大教育质量观,加强教学质量监控,规范管理,提高教育教学质量,增强学校核心竞争力。

    With the expansion of colleges and universities and intense competition among them , higher education quality is asked and it demands that we should have the idea of all-round integrated education quality and strengthen the quality supervision so as to enhance the core competence of colleges and universities .

  25. 试论大历史素质教育观的形成

    On the formation of quality education of history

  26. 知识管理的收敛性和开放性&三论“大图书馆”教育观

    The convergenced and opened knowledge management & third time on the educational viewpoint of " macro library "

  27. 论《论语》的大语文教育科学发展观

    Discuss the Overall Chinese Scientific Development of the Analects