
  • 网络oceanic lithosphere
  1. 板片窗往往形成于小于10Ma左右具浮力的大洋岩石圈俯冲时期。

    A slab window often forms at the subduction time of negative buoyant oceanic lithosphere of less than 10 Ma in age .

  2. 祁连山造山带蛇绿岩&古大洋岩石圈探针

    The ophiolites of Qilian orogenic belt & the probe of ancient oceanic lithosphere

  3. 大洋岩石圈与大陆岩石圈之间的多岛弧盆系构造域是板块构造登陆的入门向导。

    The rudimental guide of the plate-tectonic theory landing on continent is the archipelagic arc-basin system between the oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere .

  4. 大洋岩石圈在俯冲带下沉返回地幔深处的同时,伴随着一系列物理和化学变化,并最终诱发弧岩浆的形成。

    Series of physical and chemical changes occur while the subduction of oceanic lithosphere sinking in the deep mantle , and induce the formation of arc lavas .

  5. 本文认为,大洋岩石圈拆沉和大陆下地壳拆沉是不一样的:(1)拆沉的物质不同。

    The author thinks that the ocean lithosphere delamination ( OLD ) is different from the continental lower crustal delamination ( CLCD ) in the paper : ( 1 ) The different delamination material .

  6. 大陆岩石圈和大洋岩石圈有着深刻的差别,运用板块构造理论和模式研究大陆岩石圈会遇到许多特殊的问题。

    There are sharp contrasts between the continental and oceanic lithosphere , anda lot of problems have arisen when the theory and model of plate tectonics have been ap-plied in the researches into continental lithosphere .

  7. 传统认为蛇绿岩套由超基性岩、含枕状构造的基性熔岩和硅质岩组成,是大洋岩石圈的碎片,具有完整的5个或4个层序。

    According to traditional view , ophiolitic suite , the fragments of ocean litho-sphere , is composed of ultrabasic rocks , basic laves with pillow structure and siliceous rocks , and included 5 or 4 complete sequences .

  8. 中侏罗世时,新特提斯洋内发育一条幔内型推覆韧性剪切带,印度板块和拉萨地块对大洋岩石圈的双向挤压诱发了洋内俯冲消减。

    In mid-Jurassic , there was a ductile nappe shear zone developing in Neo-Tethyan ocean , and at the same time , the bidirectional compressing of Indian plate and Lhasa block on the oceanic lithosphere induced the intra-oceanic subduction .

  9. 边缘海是大陆和大洋岩石圈过渡带上形成的特殊地质构造单元,有着独特的形成演化机制,是研究地球动力学的理想场所。

    The marginal sea is a special geological structure unit , which developed in the transition zone between continental and oceanic lithosphere , with unique formation and evolution mechanism , and is a very perfect site to study the geodynamics .

  10. 蛇绿岩是古大洋岩石圈残片,保存着古大洋岩石圈许多重要信息,在重建古板块边界、古大洋岩石圈组成和性质方面具有重要的作用。

    Ophiolites are the relicts of ancient oceanic lithosphere , which contain a lot of important information of ancient oceanic lithosphere , and have played a major role in reconstructing ancient plate boundaries , and in compositions and prosperities of oceanic lithosphere .

  11. 大洋和大陆岩石圈YSE的理论计算,表明Te值显著小于地震学的地壳和岩石圈厚度。

    The theoretical calculations of ocean and continental YSEs showed that the Te was obvious less that seismic thickness .

  12. 豆荚状铬铁矿以其独特而稳定的物理化学特性,记录了大洋地幔深部岩浆活动(特别是扩张中心原始岩浆活动)以及大洋岩石圈运动过程。

    As podiform chromitite has stable physical and chemical properties , it has recorded the magmatic process of the mantle under the ocean spreading centre and the lateral movement of oceanic lithosphere .