
dà dì zhèn
  • great earthquake;violent earthquake;megaseism
大地震[dà dì zhèn]
  1. 5·12大地震青少年PTSD发生机制及干预策略探讨

    Study of the Happening Mechanism and Intervention Strategies for Adolescents ' PTSD during the Violent Earthquake on May 12

  2. 目的了解唐山大地震远期神经症患病率,并探讨重大精神创伤和神经症发病之间的关系。

    Objective To investigate the morbidity of neurosis long time after the violent earthquake in Tangshan , and to clarify the relationship between heavy psychic trauma and the onset of neurosis .

  3. 大地震之间的间隔时间可能有200年。

    The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years .

  4. 该城的精美建筑很少是1755年大地震前建成的。

    Few of the town 's fine buildings pre-date the earthquake of 1755 .

  5. 远处发生大地震总比在附近发生小地震好。

    A big earthquake a long way off is preferable to a smaller one nearby

  6. 1976年唐山大地震时,北京曾感到震荡。

    Tremors were felt in Beijing when a great earthquake rocked Tangshan in1976 .

  7. 大地震触发了日本的海啸预警。

    Powerful quake sparks tsunami warning in Japan .

  8. 海城大地震前远震P波走时残差的变化

    Variations in teleseismic P wave residuals before the Haicheng earthquake

  9. 华北地区大地震矩释放率和GPS应变率的一致性研究

    On the Consistency of Large Earthquake Moment and Strain Rate Inferred from GPS Data in North China

  10. Sumatra-Adaman大地震同震和震后形变的GRACE卫星检测

    Detection of Co-seismic and Post-seismic Deformation Caused by the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Using GRACE

  11. 1923年的关东大地震(TheGreatKantoquake)中,东京死了13万人。

    The great Kanto quake of 1923 killed about 130,000 people in Tokyo .

  12. 运用PDCA循环对汶川大地震受伤患者医院感染的预防控制

    The Use of PDCA Cycle in Patients Wounded in Wenchuan Earthquake to Prevent and Control of Hospital Infection

  13. 在今年5月的中国大地震发生六周后,一群志愿社会工作者来到富新第二小学(FuxinNumberTwoPrimarySchool)的废墟,开始和地震中因校舍倒塌而遇难的学生的家长见面。

    Six weeks after China 's devastating earthquake in May , a group of volunteer social workers arrived in the rubble of Fuxin Number Two Primary School and started meeting parents of children killed when the school collapsed in the tremor .

  14. 5.12汶川MS8.0大地震后关于我国区域地壳稳定性评价的思考

    A consideration on regional crustal stability assessment after m_s8.0 Wenchuan Strong Earthquake in China

  15. 言归正传:随着日经指数(Nikkei)在大地震后直线下跌&尽管上周有一个交易日反弹近6%,眼下是精明的投资者入市并买入的时机吗?

    To the point : with the Nikkei in free fall after the devastating earthquake notwithstanding the one-day bounce of nearly 6 % this week is it time for savvy investors to step in and buy ?

  16. 微震通常系指ML≥1.0或ML≥2.0的地震,研究这类微震活动在临近大地震发生前的变化,具有重要意义。

    The microquakes , usually , mean the MS ≥ 1.0 , MS ≥ 2.0 earthquakes . Therefore , to study the change of microseismicity imminent the large earthquake is very significant .

  17. 1994年Northridge和1995年神户产发生的大地震强震观测记录表明,这种隔震结构体系是有效的减轻地震灾害的新型结构体系之一。

    The strong motion observation records of Northridge earthquake 1994 and Kobe earthquake 1995 have indicated that this isolated structure system is one of the effective and new type structure system for earthquake disaster reduction .

  18. 通过中国数字地震台网(CDSN)和全球数字地震台网(GDSN)记录的数字波形成像,分析研究了这些大地震的震源运动学和几何学特征。

    By inverting the digital waveform data from China Digital Seismograph Network ( CDSN ) and Global Digital Seismograph Network ( GDSN ), the kinematic and geometrical characteristics of these large earthquakes are analyzed .

  19. 在东京的Shimizu公司,科学家们在研究先进的建筑技术,这个建筑由坚硬的橡胶减震器支撑,摄像机拍下了了去年大地震地质构造的能量的威力,即所谓的地震分离能量,该能量能被容易地看到。

    At Tokyo 's Shimizu Corporation , scientists work on cutting edge construction technologies . This building is supported on hardened rubber dampers . Cameras captured the momenta of last year 's giant quake struct , the so-called seismic isolation is easy to see .

  20. 1966年3月8日和22日河北省南部邢台地区发生了M6.8和M7.2大地震,之后,与其相邻的一些地区及由邢台地震引起的各烈度异常区也相继发生了小震活动。

    After two strong earthquakes , which occurred on Mar.8 and 22,1966 at Xingtai , north Hebei , with magnitudes of 6.8 and 7.2 respectively , some small earthquakes followed at its adjacent areas as well as some abnormal seismic intensity regions caused by two strong earthquakes .

  21. 台湾大地震与海洋潮汐关系初探

    Primary discussion on the relation between Taiwan earthquakes and ocean tide

  22. 唐山大地震后华北地区中强震活动空间分布

    Spatial distribution of moderate earthquakes in North China after Tangshan earthquake

  23. 地热涡合并与1976年唐山大地震

    The merger of geothermal vortexes and the Tangshan earthquake in 1976

  24. 5·12大地震后,许多房屋倒塌或损毁。

    5 · 12 earthquake , many houses collapsed or damaged .

  25. 汶川大地震后灾区儿童青少年心理健康状况调查

    The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents from Earthquake Affected Areas

  26. 大地震与地球自转:地幔弛豫的作用

    Large earthquakes and Earth rotation : the role of mantle relaxation

  27. 就在那个时候,中国西部遭到毁灭性的大地震的袭击。

    It was then that a devastating earthquake struck western China .

  28. 印度大地震的可预警信息研究

    A study on the recognizable warning information of the great Indian earthquake

  29. 测定震源位置的半几何方法在大连遥测地震台网中的应用日本防震与大地震

    Semi-geometry method of determining earthquake origin location in Dalian telemetered seismic net

  30. 08年5月12日,汶川大地震爆发。

    May 12 , 2008 , earthquake occurred in Wenchuan .