
  1. 结合现代大地测量成果探讨中国东部构造运动的力源问题

    Use Modern Geodetic Result to Discuss the Tectonic Power of Eastern China

  2. 大地测量成果信息管理系统的研究与实现

    Research on result information management system of geodetic survey and its realization

  3. 海口市大地测量成果管理信息系统的设计

    Design of Management Information System for Haikou Geodetic Results

  4. 常用地图投影变换和大地测量成果转换与计算机算法的实现

    Common map-projection transform and the result conversion of geodetic survey and their computer algorithm achievement

  5. 根据这些大地测量成果以全球参照系为基准,对该地区的重力场进行了研究。

    Base on the global reference system and according to these geodetic results the gravity field in the Mt. Everest area is studied .

  6. 文中简明扼要地总结了几种常用的地图投影变换和大地测量成果转换,并给出算法及实现步骤,供作图人员参考。

    In this paper author concisely summarizes a few common map-projection transforms and the result conversion of geodetic survey and gives their computer algorithm and the source program .

  7. 大地基准的现代化和卫星大地测量新成果&参加国际大地测量协会(IAG)2003年日本札晃大会札记

    Modernization of geodetic datum and the new development of satellite geodesy