
  • 网络Great Lawn;grand lawn
  1. 此外,还有一个名为大草坪的地方可供欣赏音乐。

    There is also an area called the Great Lawn to listen to the music .

  2. 在刚刚过去的这个周末,6万人聚集在中央公园的大草坪上观看全球公民节,目标就是到2030年实现零贫困。

    Just this past weekend , 60,000 people gathered on the Great Lawn of Central Park to watch the Global Citizens Festival , which rallied around the goal of zero poverty by 2030 .

  3. 对城市广场中建设大草坪的质疑

    Doubt about the Construction of Large-area Lawn in the City Square

  4. 大草坪下坡还有一座小小的山神土地庙。

    Lawn downhill there is a small mountain god tei miu .

  5. 有一个松树点缀其间的大草坪。

    There was a large lawn dotted with pine trees .

  6. 为什麽不叫中原大草坪呢?

    Why not calling Chung Yuan lawn ?

  7. 这些大学生一整个下午都穿着奇装异服,在剑桥大学附近著名的大草坪耶稣绿地饮酒狂欢。

    The undergraduates spent the afternoon playing boozy drinking games in fancy dress on Jesus Green .

  8. 几十年来,美国一直在寻求开发拥有漂亮的大草坪和良好的学校系统的大房子。

    For decades , Americans have been seeking larger homes with nice big lawns and good school systems .

  9. 在这一天,我们欢庆马丁路德金博士重返国家大草坪。

    For this day , we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr. 's return to the National Mall .

  10. 数千人不畏风雨聚集在国家广场(家大草坪)悼念马丁路德金。

    Thousands braved the wind and rain to gather on the National Mall to pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

  11. 周一,有人在离大草坪不远的地方竖起了一张布什的超大图片,上面的布什长了个匹诺曹的长鼻子。

    On Monday , not far from the Mall , someone erected a big blow-up Bush with a Pinocchio nose .

  12. 我们几百个学生并排坐在校园大草坪的木折椅上。

    Hundreds of us sit together , side by side , in rows of wooden folding chairs on the main campus lawn .

  13. 这是国家大草坪上第一座既不是为前总统也不是为战争英雄而立的纪念碑,也是第一座为一位非洲裔美国人而立的纪念碑。

    The memorial is the first on the National Mall to honor a man who was neither a president nor a war hero .

  14. 还可以想象当他们神奇地从天而降,平稳地停在霍格沃茨城堡前的大草坪上时,弗雷德和乔治脸上嫉妒的表情。

    and the prospect of seeing Fred 's and George 's jealous faces when they landedsmoothly and spectacularly on the sweeping lawn in front of Hogwarts castle .

  15. 佩林说,她也对大批民众参加这次聚会感到骄傲,聚会人群从林肯纪念堂一直延伸到华盛顿纪念碑附近大草坪的倒影池。

    Palin said she was also proud of the large crowd which had gathered , stretching along the Washington Mall 's reflecting pool nearly to the Washington monument .

  16. 没错,在克林顿执政的时候,在白宫附近的大草坪上经常有免费音乐会,而且那些乐队来自世界各地。

    J : Talking about the former President Clinton , another difference is that he often had free concerts on the Mall where he brought in bands from all over the world .

  17. 在国家大草坪举行抗议的人们还立了一块牌子,上面的“梦想”字眼指向马丁.路德.金,而“恶梦”的词则指向格伦.贝克。

    Protesters on the National Mall also put up a sign with the word " dream ", pointing to Martin Luther King Jr. , and the word " nightmare ", pointing to Glenn Beck .

  18. 我还很清楚地记得,我上次与谢泼德夫妇见面并向聚集在国会大厦前的国家大草坪上的人讲话的情景,那是在他遇害两天后的守夜活动。

    And I can remember very clearly meeting them previously and speaking to the crowd gathered on the National Mall in front of the Capitol building at a vigil that was held two nights after he was killed .

  19. 对于大面积草坪、或地面覆盖植物来说,一套自动喷水系统是最好的选择。

    For larger areas of lawn or ground cover , an automated spray system is the best choice .

  20. 月亮在黄昏的时候向上升,又圆又大;草坪上的干草堆发出甜蜜的香气。

    and towards evening the moon rose round and large , and the haycocks in the meadows smelt so sweetly .

  21. 三面有公园环绕,区内四个大广场有草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的单调气氛。

    Belts of parklands line three sides of the area and four large open squares of lawns and trees break the regularity of the city buildings .

  22. 大西山土壤和草坪区土壤表现为轻度碱化到中度碱化。

    The soil in Da xishan and lawn show slightly basify to moderate basify .

  23. 大空间的处理上以大面积的草坪为主,形成开阔的视野,得到的身心上的放松。

    As to big space , we set large area lawn to open the sight and provide a relaxing area for people to enjoy .