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  1. 在中国,人们用竹子和纸来做一个大灯笼。

    In China , the people made a big lantern with bamboo and paper .

  2. 今天迎神赛会上,神明的阵头前仍有两盏大灯笼。

    Today , during religious festivals , two large lanterns are hung above the altar of the gods .

  3. 一位观测者说,其红色木外壳使它看起来像夜间的“一个节日大灯笼”。

    Its redwood shell makes it resemble " a large party lantern " at night , according to one observer .

  4. 除了大灯笼提供视觉上的享受,小一点,轻一点的灯笼也很受欢迎。

    Aside from the visual spectacle , there 's also another lantern lighter in weight , and smaller in size .