
  • 网络history of the qing dynasty;Draft History of Qing
  1. 《清史稿》是民国初期历时十余年编写而成的一部有关清代的纪传体史书。

    The draft of Qing History is written for years about Qing history .

  2. 被肯定的否定&从《清史稿·列女传》中的妇女自杀现象看清代妇女境遇

    Affirmative Disavowal : A Look at the Circumstances of Women in the Qing Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Female Suicides Recorded in the Draft of Qing Dynasty , Biographies of Chaste Female

  3. 最后得出对《清史稿·乐志》的总体评价,认为:当如《宋史·乐志》,应以反映乐议等与制乐活动有关的问题为主线进行编纂;

    A total evaluation of the History Records of Music has been made and shows that firstly it is better to compile using such a clue that can reflect the musical rites and the making-music actions ;

  4. 目前有很多二十四史及《清史稿》进行校勘的论著,但是涉及礼志部分的少之又少。

    There are a lot of " Twenty-Four Histories " and " The Draft of History of Qing Dynasty " in the collation of the theory , but some of the very few involving Records of Rite .

  5. 侯外庐运用唯物史观清理发掘清代学术史中丰富的思想文化遗产,卓然成一家之言。《清史稿·李念慈传》订误补充

    HOU Wai-lu makes use of Materialistic view of history to tidy up the culture inheritance in the history of Qing dynasty . The Correction and Supplement of LI Nian-ci 's Biography in the History of Qing Dynasty