
  • 网络Puritanism;American Puritanism
  1. 严格的职业道德源于清教主义。

    Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic .

  2. 美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影

    The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism

  3. 第三章进一步从盲目的物质主义追求和清教主义对人性的压抑两个方面分析美国这种普遍悲剧性的社会根源。

    Chapter Three further digs at the root of such a universal American disease .

  4. 清教主义与美国外交传统

    Puritanism and the Traditions of American Foreign Policy

  5. 从宗教哲学视角解析霍桑作品中的清教主义观

    An Analysis of Hawthorne 's Views on Puritanism from the Perspective of Religious Philosophy

  6. 其深层历史文化根源是清教主义的理想主义与现实主义传统。

    It is rooted historically and culturally in the Puritan idealism and the realistic tradition .

  7. 美国价值观之清教主义根源

    Puritanism as the Origin of American Values

  8. 对待民族遗产清教主义,他的态度是:批判、反思。

    To treat with national heritage Puritanism , his attitude is criticism , and retrospect .

  9. 作为一种文化遗产,清教主义对美国人的早期思想产生了深远影响。

    As a cultural heritage , Puritanism has a profound influence on early American mind .

  10. 清教主义对美国文学的影响

    Influence of Puritanism on American literature

  11. 清教主义起源于英国,在北美殖民地得以实践与。

    Puritanism originated from England and manifested itself in many ways in British North American colonies .

  12. 清教主义促进了英国近代科学的制度化。

    And the second is that Puritanism promotes the institutionalization of England ′ s modern science .

  13. 霍桑的清教主义观&《小伙子古德曼·布朗》中布朗之死解读

    On Nathaniel Hawthorne 's Puritanism perspective & Analysis of Brown 's death in Young Goodman Brown

  14. 他虽然持有清教主义的生活观点和行为标尺,但又对这种观念持严肃的批判态度。

    Although he held the Puritanism viewpoint of life and behavior standard , he seriously criticized it .

  15. 种族主义、清教主义和性别歧视是压迫人心的三大黑暗势力。

    Racism , Puritanism , and Sexism are three dark powers to oppress the human heart and kindness .

  16. 霍桑站在历史的高度以文学为武器开始对清教主义进行系统的批判与反思,这使他的作品兼具思想性和文学性。

    Hawthorne systematically criticizes and reflects on Puritanism by the literature weapon , making his works constructive and artistic .

  17. 在他与海丝特·白兰的六次会面过程中,他的自我总在清教主义思想观念和生命情感冲动之间徘徊。

    During six meetings with Hester Prynne his ego wanders between his beliefs of Puritanism and vital emotional impulsion .

  18. 作为美国文明与文化的主要源头,清教主义对美国文化与文学的影响持久而深刻。

    As the main resource of American culture , Puritanism has exerted a far-reaching impact on American culture and literature .

  19. 本文从海斯特·白兰的心理和行动分析她作为一个清教主义叛逆者的形象。

    This article describes her figure as a rebel against Puritanism in the aspects of her psychology and her acts .

  20. 一方面存在客观上的因素,那就是来自于宗教清教主义和超验主义的影响。

    On the one hand , there are objective factors that come from the influences of religions : Puritanism and Transcendentalism .

  21. 中国文化与美国文化分别是以儒家思想和欧洲清教主义为历史渊源的两种不同的文化模式。

    Chinese culture and American culture are two kinds of cultural patterns that originated respectively from Confucianism thought and European Puritanism .

  22. 爱米丽的悲剧根源在于美国南方文化传统的清教主义思想下的父权制度。

    The causes of Emily 's tragedy lie in the paternalism and feminine morality of Puritanism governing the south of America .

  23. 第三章讨论了《烧马棚》和《圣殿》中受清教主义和家长制影响和离间的父子/父女关系。

    Chapter Three discusses the father-son relationships in Barn Burning and Sanctuary , which are alienated by the puritanism and paternalism .

  24. 其后的评论家则试图从主题例如种族主义、清教主义或旧南方等方面来寻找其统一性。

    Subsequent critics make efforts to find the thematic unity of the novel based upon racism , Protestantism or the Southern past .

  25. 源于清教主义的个人主义,作为美国主流价值观的核心,已经渗透到美国生活的方方面面。

    As the core of American mainstream values , the individualism from the Puritanism has penetrated into every aspect of American life .

  26. 从《八月之光》开始,福克纳对困扰南方社会的痼疾,诸如种族主义、清教主义、历史包袱等进行了探讨。

    From Light in August , Faulkner discusses the chronic maladies puzzling the South , such as racialism , Puritanism and tradition burden .

  27. 在狄金森时期,美国流行着两大思潮&清教主义和超验主义。狄金森深受这两大思想的影响。她的自然主题诗歌所承载的自然观往往既有清教主义的痕迹又有超验主义的特点。

    Being influenced by two conflicting thoughts of her time , her nature-themed poems are paradoxical complexes of both thoughts & Puritanism and Transcendentalism .

  28. 第一章:首先,从美国思想文化史的角度,分析了影响美国基督教历程的三大思潮&清教主义、启蒙运动和实用主义。

    From the perspective of American history of thoughts and culture , three ideas influence American Christian , which are Puritanism , Renaissance and pragmatism .

  29. 深受清教主义影响的霍桑也表现出了对超验主义人性观的怀疑,并对超验主义所推崇的个人主义进行了深刻反思。

    But Hawthorne deeply influenced by puritanism doctrine , so he displayed his suspicion to transcendentalism human nature view and expressed his rethink about individual .

  30. 这种矛盾的实质是霍桑的罪恶观的两大支柱加尔文清教主义神学观与人道主义道德观的对立冲突。

    The essence of the contradiction was the confliction between the Calvinist Puritanism and humanism which were two pillar of Hawthorn 's idea about evil .