
  • Gynecological examination;gynecologic examination;pelvic examination
  1. 要密切观察病情,不要忽视妇科检查及血HCG检查。

    Third , carefully observe patient 's condition and don 't ignore the gynecological examination and the examination of HCG in blood .

  2. 配合医生询问病史是妇科检查的重要步骤。

    Asked whether doctors with a history of gynecological examination is an important step .

  3. 术前分别以双盲法进行常规妇科检查、经腹部超声检查及TVS检查,并对检查结果进行比较。

    The gynecologic conventional examination , abdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound were performed by double-blind method and the results were compared .

  4. 妇科检查均发现附件肿物,直径6~10cm;

    All patients were found with adnexal masses of 6-10 cm in diameter when pelvic examination .

  5. 通过病史询问和妇科检查结果提示:1.绝经后未取IUD者平均绝经年龄为49.73岁,明显高于对照组(48.99);

    The histories and pelvic examination in menopause women revealed the following results ( 1 ) The mean age of menopause in IUD group was 49.73 ± 3.70 , significantly higher than that in the control group ( 48.99 ± 3.93 ) .

  6. 阴道转移通过妇科检查和组织活检诊断。

    Vaginal metastases were documented by physical examination and tissue biopsy .

  7. 但不要取消你的下一个妇科检查只是尚未。

    But don 't cancel your next gynecologic exam just yet .

  8. 方法:采用现况调查方法,包括:问卷调查、妇科检查和实验室检查三部分。

    The investigation method includes : The questionnaire survey , the gynecological examination .

  9. 其西医妇科检查均诊断大小双为子宫颈纳氏囊肿。

    The diagnosis of both by western medicine gynecologic examination were cervix Naboth cyst .

  10. 方法:全部患者均进行常规查体及妇科检查,宫颈防癌刮片。

    Methods : All patients received routine physical and gynecologic examination , and cervical scraping .

  11. 极小的子宫颈息肉常无自觉症状,大多在妇科检查时才被发现。

    Minimum cervix polyp often not subjective symptom , mostly when gynecological examination was discovered .

  12. 治疗后B超及妇科检查情况均较治疗前改善。

    After the treatment , before the ultrasound and the gynecological examination situation treats , improves .

  13. 妇科检查对及早发现妇科肿瘤很重要,尤其对于宫颈癌来说。

    Gynecological examinations for early detection of gynecologic tumors is very important , especially for the cervical cancer .

  14. 服务范围包括生育指导、妇科检查、婚前检查、怀孕前验身、更年期服务和青年辅导等。

    The services encompass fertility regulation , gynaecological check-up , pre-marital and pre-pregnancy preparation , menopause service and youth counselling .

  15. 从事她的妇科检查的助产士后来也出现高热,吐血和血性腹泻等临床表现。

    The midwife who performed the gynecologic examination later became ill with high fever , vomiting of blood , and bloody diarrhea .

  16. 美国约翰霍普金森大学医院今日决定向患者赔偿1.9亿美元。医院一名医生利用为女病人进行妇科检查的机会使用微型摄像头偷拍了数千名女病人的下身。

    Johns Hopkins University agreed to a $ 190M settlement after one of its gynecologist used a secret camera to record exams .

  17. JK204电动多功能产床适合妇科检查、诊断、产科分娩、实施剖腹产手术及一般妇科手术。

    JK204electric multi-purpose obstetric table , it suit for gynaecological examination , diagnosing , childbearing caesarean birth as well as other gynaecology operations .

  18. 临床表现、妇科检查和医生的警惕性是早期诊断宫外孕的关键;

    The key points to the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy are observation of clinical manifestation , gynecological examination and gynecologist 's vigilance .

  19. 医生询问病史并进行妇科检查,发现少许血来自宫腔,就立即作了宫颈刮片和尿妊娠试验。

    Pregnant abortion The doctor ask medical history gynaecology , found a little blood from uterine cervix immediately , the blade urine pregnancy tests .

  20. 综合讨论实习医生施行妇科检查的这种医疗行为,并试图提出临床实践中此类现象的合理解决途径。

    To give a comprehensive discussion of such medical exams , also try to introduce a rational resolution for such phenomenon in clinical practice .

  21. 参加体检的在职女教职工379人,135人未进行妇科检查,未参检率为35·6%。

    There are 379 famale staff took the physical examination , however , 135 did not take gynecological examination , the rate is 35.6 % .

  22. 方法通过女劳模健康体检,常规进行妇科检查,阴道脱落细胞学,盆腔B超,乳腺透照检查。

    Methods The exemplar workwomen received physical examination such as routine examination of gynecology , examination of exfoliative vaginal cytology , pelvic B ultrasonography , galactophore diaphany .

  23. 每年的妇科检查项目都包含有这一测试,能在癌症前期细胞发生变异之前对其进行识别。

    The test , which is typically administered during annual gynecological visits , can identify precancerous cells before they have a chance to get out of control .

  24. 方法:随机选择门诊就诊患者为研究对象,经妇科检查及阴道分泌物实验室检验,确诊为阴道念珠菌感染80例。

    Methods : Randomized study was designed . The 80 subjects were recognized the infections of the vulvovaginal candidiasis by the gynecologic examination and the examination of vaginal discharge .

  25. 详细询问病史及细致的妇科检查,辅以早期检测血β-hCG是早期诊断的关键。

    The key to early diagnosis is careful inquiry on the detailed case history and complete gynaecological inspection with the help of early examination of blood (β - hCG )

  26. 结论:根据患者发病年龄,月经紊乱或过多,痛经呈进行性加重,结合妇科检查及B超检查可提高子宫腺肌病的诊断水平。

    Conclusions : The accurate rate in diagnosis of adenomyosis could be improved by taking account of age , progressive dysmenorrhea , menstrual disorder , menorrhagia and B ultrasonography .

  27. 我从来没有想过,这会发生在我的身上。这对于我而言是个极大的震撼。现在我劝说每一个人应该进行常规的妇科检查。

    I never in a million years thought this would happen to me ; it was a major shock . I now preach to everyone that they need regular exams .

  28. 方法通过普查的方式对成都木综厂的全体已婚女职工进行常规妇科检查、阴道清洁度、白带查滴虫、霉菌、宫颈细胞学检查。

    Methods The gynecologic examination , cleaning degree of vagina , trichomonas and mold of vagina , cervical cytology of all married women in wood factory were done by surveying .

  29. 两组治疗前后均进行妇科检查,妇科B超,血清促卵泡素、雌二醇水平测定及实验室检查。

    Before and after the treatment , all the patients were took gynecologic examination , B-us , lab examinations , tested the level of serum estradiol and serum follicle stimulating hormone .

  30. 结论:1.绝经后卵巢肿瘤临床表现隐匿,症状缺乏特异性或无任何症状,绝经后妇女定期妇科检查非常重要。

    Clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer in postmenopausal occult , the lack of specific symptoms or no symptoms , regular gynecological examinations in women after menopause is very important . 2 .