
pú tuán
  • Putuan;rush cushion;cattail hassock
蒲团 [pú tuán]
  • [rush cushion;cattail hassock] 一种圆垫子,用香蒲草、麦秸等编成

蒲团[pú tuán]
  1. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,静心合掌,闭目禅定。

    One day , the eminent2 Monk3 Huai Rang of the Chan sect4 strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion , with his palms put together and his eyes closed in deep meditation5 .

  2. 我非常喜欢Rita变成蒲团的那个片断。

    I really loved the sponge that Rita turned into a futon .

  3. 罗斯:噢,我有一个多余的蒲团。

    Ross : Oh ! Y'know , I 've got an extra futon .

  4. 让我们把蒲团卷起来吧。

    Let 's fold up the futon .

  5. 饭后洗过温泉,蒲团已给你摆好了。

    After dinner , returning from the hot spa , the futon has been laid out .

  6. 有些地方房子到处乱七八糟,然而还有房子旁边晾晒著蒲团和乾净衣服。

    Houses a mess in some places , yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun .

  7. 吉梭曼,一名主修性别研究的21岁学生,正双腿分开、跪坐在蒲团上,与我愉快地聊着天。

    Gieselman , a 21-year-old senior majoring in gender studies , was chatting cheerfully from a futon , legs tucked sideways , knees forward .

  8. 在胶合板、蒲团以及我借来的所有他人生活的碎片里,我找到了它,并一点一点地,建立起属于自己的未来。

    And I had found it on plywood and futons and all the other pieces of lives I borrowed as I , bit by bit , built my future .

  9. 吉梭曼跪在蒲团上俯身向前,拿着卡片挥舞了一番后,从中央抽出一张,微微一笑,然后大声地念了出来:“自由。”

    Gieselman leaned forward off the futon , swished the cards around , plucked one from the center , smiled , then read it aloud : " Freedom . "

  10. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,

    One day , the eminent Monk Huai Rang of the Chan sect strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion ,

  11. 该酒店拥有200个房间,被称为全球第一家时尚酒店。该酒店引以为豪的是全金色拱形穹顶,以及针对客人宠物的成套服务,即提供特别设计的蒲团供客人的宠物睡觉。

    The 200-room development dubbed the world 's first fashion hotel boasts vaulted ceilings ' hand-detailed ' in gold and a ' Very Important Pooch ' package offering designer futons for guests ' pets to sleep on .