
shuǐ jīnɡ qiú
  • crystal ball
  1. 不用水晶球预卜未来,我们说不准明年处境如何呀。

    Without a crystal ball , it 's impossible to say where we 'll be next year .

  2. 创始人帕克(MonicaParker)说,如果以为管理层手里有个能预知这些事情的水晶球,那就大错特错了。

    ' It 's dangerous to assume that management has a crystal ball about these things .

  3. 汹涌的客流在刚过凌晨3点时涌来,那时街对面的迪斯科舞厅“音乐盒”(TheMusicBox)关掉了旋转的水晶球,舞厅里的人群涌出来寻找热狗、冻酸奶蛋卷和雷尼辣椒碎。

    The big rush came just after 3 a.m. , when the disco across the street , The Music Box , unplugged its rotating mirror ball and its denizens spilled out in search of hot dogs , frozen yogurt cones and Lenny 's pepper hash .

  4. 泡菜500的经营人蒂姆·蔡(TimChae)说,美国投资者已经开始把首尔当作某种水晶球,通过它可以看到,硅谷最宏大的梦想——一个无钞、无车、一切应有尽有的社会——已经实现了。

    Tim Chae , who runs 500 Kimchi , said that American investors have begun to think of Seoul as a sort of crystal ball . In it , they can glimpse a future where the most ambitious dreams of Silicon Valley - a cashless , carless , everything-on-demand society - have already been realized .

  5. 我们为储存水晶球已经用完了空间。

    We 've run out of room to store snow globes .

  6. 一位先知专注地凝视着他面前的水晶球。

    A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him .

  7. 女巫说她的水晶球可以预测未来。

    The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future .

  8. 经济指标的分析,象征着预测者用以占卜的水晶球。

    Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster 's " crystal ball " .

  9. 那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。

    The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels .

  10. 我知道它就藏在你魔杖的水晶球里

    I know you keep it hidden in the orb above your staff .

  11. 我想谈一下你关于水晶球的出价

    I 've come to talk about your offer to find the crystal ball

  12. 你最好再去检查一下水晶球,贾法尔。

    Better check your crystal ball again , jafar .

  13. 这个水晶球在阳光下可以反射出七彩的光芒。

    The crystal ball can reflect various colors of light from the sun .

  14. 哦,水晶球,听听我的歌。

    Oh , crystal ball , hear my song .

  15. 你怎么知道?真是个真水晶球吗?

    How do you know that ? Is this a real crystal ball ?

  16. 最著名的算卦方式是看水晶球。

    One of the most famous methods involves gazing into a crystal ball .

  17. 当我凝视着我的数字水晶球时,有一件事是肯定的。

    As I gaze into my digital crystal ball , one thing is certain .

  18. 这个沃特福德的水晶球要比去年的亮两倍。

    The Waterford Crystal ball is twice as bright as last year 's version .

  19. 并以蒙特卡洛法为例,运用工程造价风险评估软件水晶球软件模拟了工程项目费用风险评估。

    And simulated the project cost risk evaluation with the Monte-Carlo method as example .

  20. 但那并不意味著我有能预测未来的水晶球。

    But that doesn 't mean I have the benefit of a crystal ball .

  21. 魔水晶球是非常危险的工具

    A palantir is a dangerous tool , Saruman

  22. 有了这个水晶球,你的哥哥们也可恢复原形了。

    With this canst thou likewise give back to thy brothers their human form .

  23. 橱窗里摆满了水晶球,捕梦网,以及关于精神治疗的书。

    The windows were full of crystals , dream-catchers , and books about spiritual healing .

  24. 如果你把自己跟一个水晶球连接起来

    If you connect with a crystal ball

  25. 童话里,魔术师常用一个水晶球来预测未来。

    The magician in the fairytale usually uses a crystal ball to predict the future .

  26. 我凝视着我的水晶球。

    I peered into my crystal ball .

  27. 他并不是一个凝视水晶球的预言家,而是一个具有可靠的宗教直觉的先知。

    He is not a prophet in the sense of peering into a crystal ball .

  28. 如发现时间冻结,水晶球和更多的绝对模式奖金项目!

    Uncover bonus items in Absolute mode such as Time Freezes , Crystal Balls and more !

  29. 老妇人朝水晶球里看了一会,然后给我算命。

    The old woman looked into the crystal ball for a while before telling my fortune .

  30. 看到未来不需要水晶球,只需要理解城市就行。

    Seeing the future does not require a crystal ball & just an understanding of cities .